Member Vacancy We have a vacancy for a Member of our Trust. All academy trusts are charitable companies and so must have members. Members have a limited but crucial role in the Trust’s governance structure in holding the Trust Board to account for the effective governance of the Trust. They are responsible for: Ensuring that the academy trust’s charitable objectives – primarily ‘advancing education for the public benefit’ – are being met; Assessing if the board of trustees is performing well and, if it is not, taking suitable action. Members are responsible for appointing Trustees, appointing independent external auditors and approving any changes to the Trust’s articles of association. Members typically meet in person around twice per year, once in January for an AGM and once in the summer term for a Members’ Morning. At the AGM, Members receive the Trust’s annual report and accounts, along with a report from the CEO and a report on the quality of governance. Any additional meetings required would normally be held remotely and Members are kept informed of the work of the Trustees by the Trust’s Head of Governance. The member role is a voluntary one. Who can be a Member? Knowing what good governance looks like is an essential requirement to fulfil the Member role. Members should have: governance knowledge and experience a good understanding of the charitable aims of the organisation a willingness to take action if the need arises no conflicts of interest – members must not be employees of the trust, nor should they occupy any other voluntary roles within the trust independence from the trust board and so able to hold it to account. If you would like to discuss this role, please contact Emma Stephens-Dunn, Head of Governance at .