Responsibility for Patients To ensure that children have a voice and are central to the care delivery and are key in all decisions made and to ensure that families are supported as a unit. To ensure that care standards are of the highest quality, with systems in place to test the effectiveness and impact of care. To ensure that safety, safeguarding children, infection control, risk management, dignity and respect are central to the operational running of the ward and outpatient area. To ensure that the children and families have strong advocacy and clarity of information to support informed choice and care. To ensure that all staff are professional, clinically competent and safe workers. To ensure the environment is fit for purpose and child friendly. To ensure the department has open collaboration with other departments (.e.g. Day surgery and Emergency department) to ensure the patient journeys are as smooth as possible with the focus on the experience and care delivery of the child and practice changed and challenged to continuously improve the interface between departments. This will include staff moving between departments to enhance links / care and cover. Responsibility for Staff The post holder will be line managed by the Senior Sister and will escalate all issues via this role. The post holder will support the Senior Sister in the management of all registered nurses, support workers and administration based on Kingfisher and Children Outpatients. The post holder will be required to ensure students placed in clinical areas are supported with appropriate mentoring and a positive educational environment is maintained and enhance links with the University to improve education based practice developments. The post holder is responsible for ensuring that staff are supported, given the opportunity to develop their skills and have an innovative approach that encourages best practice and continuous development. Staff should be encouraged to develop leadership skills including managerial development with extended roles in a supported way The post holder is responsible for ensuring all staff have annual appraisals, training is planned and that human resources policies are followed. The post holder is responsible for ensuring all staff are made aware of Trust wide and National developments and that risk is managed in a non-blame learning approach to improve practice with direct learning feedback provide to all staff. The post holder needs to be responsible for ensuring that dependency audits are undertaken to ensure the right skill mix is in place to support the delivery of good care. Responsibility for Information Resources The post holder is responsible for ensuring information governance and professional standards for documentation are implemented in all their clinical areas and staff are aware of the requirements. The post holder is required to ensure compliance with data collection for example PAS and VitalPAC entrys and activity recording. The post holder is required to collate workforce and activity data as directed. The post holder is required to ensure meeting and supervision sessions are recorded. The post holder is required to ensure all the information requirements are routinely recorded accurately in patient records for example safeguarding information. Responsibility for Research and Development The post holder is required to measure compliance with policy (for example safeguarding children, patient satisfaction and infection control through audit and report on findings). The post holder is required to utilise governance tools like audit to improve quality of care, and utilise this to update care pathways and implement recommendations. The post holder is required to be aware of national care standards and published care improvements / developments and implement them where applicable.