To support children and young people in achieving positive outcomes to prevent family breakdown, ensuring only the right young people become looked after. To deliver intensive interventions to young people who are being exploited to reduce risk within a contextual safeguarding framework. The team will work with young people and their families with the following presenting issues:
Child Sexual and Child Criminal Exploitation
Family Breakdown - preventing children becoming Looked After
Young People Missing from Home
Young People at risk of radicalisation
Children becoming Looked After
Rehabilitating Young People home after a period of being Looked After
Young People in the Criminal Justice System and at risk of entering the system
To carry out our statutory duties and responsibilities to safeguard and achieve good outcomes for the children and young people of Hertfordshire.
Responsibilities include:
To undertake structured assessments and provide intensive support to children and young people identified as having additional and complex needs and who are deemed vulnerable or at risk.
To deliver appropriate interventions as part of an agreed package of support or be a responsible officer for an intensive intervention or court order, ensuring plans are robust and outcome focused and regularly reviewed.
To manage a case load of young people and families who require social care or youth justice interventions.
To prepare reports for youth offender...