StartDate: January 2025
Explore the bigquestions about life belief and the human experience at a vibrantand inclusive secondary school in Richmond. Known for itscommitment to fostering respect for different faiths and beliefsthis school offers a rewarding opportunity to make a realdifference in the lives of youngpeople.
More than just religioustexts and traditions...
Imaginefacilitating thoughtprovoking discussions encouraging philosophicalinquiry and fostering a deeper understanding of different religionsand worldviews. Picture yourself creating a safe and inclusivespace for students to explore their own beliefs and values whiledeveloping respect for the beliefs of others. This is not just ajob; its a chance to inspire critical thinking promote toleranceand contribute to a more understanding and compassionatesociety.
A department that valuesopendialogue:
* Adiverse curriculum: Explore a wide range ofreligious traditions philosophical concepts and ethical issuesfostering a deeper understanding of the humanexperience.
* Engaging teachingmethods: Utilize debates discussions guest speakersand visits to places of worship to create an interactive andthoughtprovoking learningenvironment.
* Supportivecolleagues: Collaborate with a team of passionateReligious Studies teachers who are dedicated to fostering criticalthinking and promoting respect for differentbeliefs.
Why thisschool standsout:
* Acommitment to inclusivity: Be part of a school thatvalues diversity celebrates different cultures and faiths andpromotes a sense of belonging for allstudents.
* Strong communitylinks: Engage with local faith communities andorganizations to enrich your teaching and provide students withrealworld insights into different religious practices andbeliefs.
* Excellent professionaldevelopment: Benefit from ongoing trainingopportunities to enhance your teaching skills and deepen yourknowledge of different religions andworldviews.
Ready toinspire a love of learning and explore the bigquestions
To apply please submityour CV