Title: Public Health Intelligence Team Lead
Rate: £400 - per day
Location: New Shire Hall, flexible working pattern, 2 days in the office
Type: Temporary - until 31st March 2025
Opus People Solutions are working with Cambridgeshire County Council to recruit for an interim Public Health Intelligence Team Lead. This role will work collaboratively across the whole of Cambridgeshire County Council to support the delivery of a broad range of CCC strategic objectives/outcomes, including the whole Council's contribution to improving health and reducing health inequalities. The postholder will manage the public health analyst team for CCC and work closely with the Director of Public Health, the Consultant in Public Health Intelligence, and the Public Health Team.
The postholder will also work collaboratively with partner agencies, as the intelligence team supports health and wellbeing outcomes across the wider system. A significant part of this will be to manage and support the mandated healthcare public health advice service to the local NHS ICB, and to deliver joint strategic needs assessments for the multi-agency Health and Wellbeing Board and associated partnership boards.
Main Responsibilities:
1. Lead innovatively and creatively to ensure an epidemiological and population approach helps shape and influence the transformation of Council, system and partnership objectives.
2. Take lead responsibility for the production, development and promotion of specific public health information, datasets and statistical services within Cambridgeshire, focusing on improving data management and working with colleagues across the system on population health management approaches.
3. Monitor and describe the health status of the local population through the analysis, interpretation, and presentation of a range of information.
4. Deliver analyses of NHS data and intelligence to support NHS commissioning as part of the statutory healthcare public health advice service to the NHS and for joint commissioning between the Council and the NHS.
5. Ensure the production of quality assured management and performance information for designated areas of responsibility and promote a corporate approach.
6. Work collaboratively with public health colleagues, intelligence, and wider colleagues to manage and meet their public health information and intelligence needs, particularly around service commissioning and monitoring.
7. Work closely with the public health intelligence resource in Peterborough City Council to manage and produce JSNA and Pharmaceutical Needs Assessments, which are produced jointly across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.
8. Lead and manage a coordinated multi-skilled corporate service to deliver the agreed outcomes for the public health intelligence team.
9. Drive innovation, creative thinking, and alternative ways of delivering outcomes in line with cross-Council and partnership objectives.
10. Work collaboratively with regional and national public health organisations to horizon scan, share good practice and benchmark local outcomes.
11. Be accountable for ensuring high quality and timely regulatory reporting, delivery of the Annual Public Health Report, delivery of the mandated healthcare public health advice service, and delivery of joint strategic needs assessments and other statutory needs assessments. Provide and ensure strategic high-quality management information, performance information, and public health intelligence for Cambridgeshire County Council officers and councillors, and partners.
12. Deliver and ensure qualitative and quantitative interpretation of a wide range of data relevant to health and wellbeing, deploying expert epidemiological, public health, and analytical skills to enable informed decision-making.
13. Ensure that key local public health datasets are maintained with a high level of quality control.