To be professionally and legally accountable for all aspect of own workin accordance with HCPC and All Wales Health and Care standards. To carry a clinical caseload involving undertaking a comprehensive assessment, using clinical reasoning skills to formulate and deliver individual intervention programmes. To make independent clinical decisions, evaluate intervention outcomes with support from senior staff and alter/ progress intervention programmes accordingly. To utilise physical skills relevant to the clinical area i.e. use of specialist equipment and tools, advanced sensory skills, manual and mobilising skills in order to deliver effective interventions. In partnership with other professionals provide excellent care in line with Health and Care Standards. This process should include assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of care in accordance with UHB policies and procedures. To advise and educate individuals and their families / carers on the management of individual problems, to overcome barriers to change and facilitate behaviour change. To participate in the on-call and emergency duty rotas at allocated site. To continuously evaluate own practice ensuring it is up-to-date and evidence based, complying with UHB and professional clinical guidelines. To manage clinical risk within own case load with support from experienced staff. To maintain comprehensive and accurate clinical records to comply with legal and departmental requirements. To maintain strict confidentiality of person identifiable information in accordance with the clinical governance framework. To be aware of the available digital platforms and access person identifiable data appropriately to deliver timely, efficient care to provide holistic care. To utilise digital technology to enhance care and delivery. To delegate and take responsibility for work undertaken by support workers and assist in their clinical supervision. To observe Professional Standards and codes of conduct at all times and comply with Departmental Policies and current legislation, including The Health & Safety at Work Act, Access to Medical Records and Data Protection Acts. To make known to the Team Lead/ line manager, any deficiency in working conditions, equipment and procedures that may constitute a hazard. To ensure adequate precautions are instituted paying particular attention to the hazards of lone working in the community setting. To be integral within the relevant multidisciplinary team meetings and case conferences. Ensuring collaboration with the person receiving a service to ensure shared decision making, advocating for the individual, providing a professional opinion. To evaluate and manage risk in the best interest of the individual i.e. discharge planning and issuing equipment. To promote and support rights by promoting shared decision making, respecting individual choice and beliefs, ensuring privacy and dignity at all times. To communicate relevant clinical information to all members of the MDT within health and social services. To comply with all relevant Infection Prevention and Control procedures. You will be able to find a full Job description and Person Specification attached within the supporting documents or please click Apply now to view in Trac.