To provide one-to-one support for a 32-year-old male with Autism/ADHD, in the home and community. Michael lives alone in rented accommodation with 24hour support.
Wage- 11.44ph
This is a permanent position, every Friday or Saturday, and is a 7 or 14 hour shift, with the potential of overtime, covering holiday, sickness, nightshift etc. 4 weeks training on the job provided. Shifts will be during the day from 6:30 to 20.30.
Enhanced DBS checks will be required if successful.
Michael has very complex needs so would need a worker who has the following qualities.
• Calm, caring manner
• Good communication skills - treating Michael fairly, with respect and dignity.
• Be able to motivate Michael and support every aspect of day to day living skills (self- care, cooking, shopping, trips out etc.)
• Be able to deal with verbally aggressive (and possibility of self-harming) or challenging behaviour.
• Be able to remain calm under pressure.
• Be able to enforce rules in a non-confrontational way.
• Be able to react to serious or stressful situations quickly and calmly (self- harm etc.)
• Be able to stay calm in public situations whilst being health and safety conscious.
• Be able to work in a home environment where possibly a parent or other siblings/family members could visit.
• Be able to lone work.
• Like dogs (within Michaels voluntary work setting)
• Have a good sense of humour.
• Preferable interest in meditation and alternative therapies.
To motivate and support
• Michael to get washed, dressed, fed, and medication taken
• Encourage Michael to do simple domestic tasks e.g., make his bed, tidy his room, put washing in basket etc.
• Support Michael at his voluntary work (Mutz Hut, a doggy day care)
• Michael to use public transport.
• Days when not at Mutz Hut, to discuss with Michael and come up with a structured plan for the day and follow that out (including outings)
• Ensure Michael does not overindulge on his obsessions.
• Educate and encourage Michael to budget, and not impulse buy.
Other Duties
• To keep him calm and safe under extreme stressful situations e.g, being in crowds, public transport, something electrical not working etc.
• Encourage to socialise.
• Aid in preparation and cooking of meals.
• Ensure he eats, drinks, and goes to the toilet regularly.
• Support to make simple decisions.
• Support and maintain his safety in the community.
• Complete a comprehensive daily chart, recording behaviours or incidents.
Additional Information
Michael has a diagnosis of Autism ADHD. He also displays characteristics of Tourette’s and Dyspraxia. He has a history of self -harm and has limited movement in his right hand/arm due to a self-harming incident. He suffers from low mood and mental health issues.
Michel needs high levels of support and supervision to maintain his safety and can act impulsively due to the ADHD. He also needs a high level of support in many areas of independent living and acts obsessively with electronic equipment which needs to be monitored and limited. Given free will, he would sit on his laptop or PSP all day and night not eating drinking or sleeping.
Although Michael has speech, on occasions this is not clear, especially in times when upset, anxious, or excited. Extreme patience is needed, as he gets distressed when he is not listened too or understood. He also responds well to a kind, calm voice, he does not react well to anyone shouting, speaking forcefully or ‘barking’ instructions. This encourages resistance and a lack of respect. Although the tone of a voice is important, it is equally important to be able to remain firm and not allow him to manipulate. He responds to a well-timed sense of humour.
Michael is able to attend to his personal care needs (washing, going to the toilet etc.) when motivated and prompted, although he needs to be motivated and closely monitored and prompted to ensure everything is done to an acceptable standard. He also takes instructions very literally.
Although Michael can present challenging behaviour at times, he is in general well mannered, kind, and has a good sense of humour. Past workers have enjoyed his company and found him very interesting despite the challenges he can set. He is very interested and responds well to spiritual therapies, having regular reiki, and meditation. Michael is trained in Reiki 1 & 2 and has a passionate sense of faith and belief, so a respectful and open mind would be essential.
Michael loves animals, he has a cat, and does voluntary work at a local doggy daycare, a few hours a week. He loves music and composing with an interest in computing. He is very talented and knowledgeable in these areas.
Personal Skills
• Enthusiasm and a sense of humour.
• Self-motivated and a willingness to get involved.
• Proven ability to work and act on own initiative.
• Reliable and flexible
• Experience of working with challenging behaviour
• Ability to remain calm under pressure.
• Experience of providing emotional support
• Experience of assessing needs
• Knowledge of health and safety requirements
• Ability to lone work and knowledge of professional boundaries
• Flexible attitude
• Proactive in developing ideas/projects for client
• Experience of working within the autistic spectrum or ADHD
• Support Work Qualification or Health and Social care
• Previous experience of working as a support worker
• Knowledge of local community