Aspiring Psychologist– Mental Health – Hemel Hempstead- Education and Training – Aspiring Psychologist– Mental Health– Hemel Hempstead
Start dates are ongoing and for September depending on whether you have a notice period or when you finish your studies.
You must be sincere and understand why you want to work with Autistic students and children with potential, adjacent mental health challenges. This will involve working with verbal and nonverbal students.
This role will allow you to see a range of therapist, SEN, ABA Tutors & Mental health specialists at work.
This is a fantastic training ground for both aspirations within mainstream and SEN teaching, watching OTS, Speech and Language Therapists at work, this role is all about giving the children a sense of purpose. Can you make the children’s lives just that little bit better?
**Intermediate learning levels, a tailored curriculum for each student
**ADHD, Asperger’s, OCD, Dyslexia and a focus on Social, Emotional and Mental Health challenges **Outstanding Teaching and support teams in place, a wonderfully holistic and positive atmosphere – EYFS to KS4 **OTs, Speech and Language and Specialist SEN Teachers, plus outside agencies will be at work dependent on the context of each child
**Focus on learning need and Autism, delivering key and personal/functional skills
**, Monday to Friday 8:30-4:30
This is a LSA role that will put you into challenging, sometimes Anti-Social contexts that will build your foundations of experience. With this LSA role starting after, de-escalation and the language around it is incredibly important!
Restorative and holistic practices are in place, pragmatism and positive reinforcement will be key skills in this LSA role in Hemel Hempstead. The role specialises in working with students who have Autism, Aspersers, OCD, Global Development Delay and some profound and multiple learning difficulties.
Aspiring Psychologist– Autism – Education and Training –– Mental Health – - Education and Training – Aspiring Psychologist – Mental Health- Hemel Hempstead