You will work within the Safeguarding Children team providing an effective and evidenced based advice and consultation service to Trust staff who raise safeguarding concerns. This will involve attendance at strategy meetings and providing advice for staff across the trust where there are concerns about a child or where the parent is the patient. You will advise staff about children in care and their needs and you will advocate for care experienced young people who are going through transition to adult services. You will promote the use of language that cares across the trust. You will liaise with the Named Nurse and Designated Nurse for children in care within GHC and participate on any county projects relating to children in care. You will be involved in lots of multi-agency discussion and triangulating information known about families to inform safe decisions about children and their families. The post holder will work proactively to ensure that every safeguarding concern raised is fully managed to a definite outcome with timely onward referrals and effective communication with all professional parties. High standards of documentation are required at all times and good working knowledge of information governance. You will review and update policies related to safeguarding. You will contribute to the annual Section 11 submission. You will need to communicate effectively with patients, parents and carers and communicate difficult information at times. You will support parents and carers through any safeguarding processes and ensure they understand the process. You will be involved in the development and delivery of safeguarding training. You will be invited to teach new members of staff across the organisation around safeguarding children. You will provide safeguarding supervision across the trust for staff. You will deputise for the Named Nurse when required for learning reviews and complete chronologies. You will use the escalation policy for any professional challenge with other agencies. You will lead on and participate in audit relevant to safeguarding.