Communicate with service users and carers, all members of the multi-disciplinary team and staff in external agencies using a variety of methods including information technology. Regularly report and effectively communicate service users health status and care aims in care records and verbal reports to Registered Professional Staff members and other members of the multi-disciplinary team. Relate appropriately with service users, carers, colleagues and others at all times maintaining professional boundaries. At all times ensure that own actions, support the equality, diversity, rights and responsibilities of individuals. Identify, minimise and report risks of danger, harm and abuse to senior colleagues. Maintain a safe and secure environment at all times for the protection of self and others. At all times minimise risks to self by undertaking safe working practices. At all times work within agreed and established Trust policy and operational procedures. Work with other Trust services to promote seamless service user focused care, admission, transfer and discharge on identified care pathways. Undertake delivery of planned therapeutic activities/interventions with an identified group of service users as an element of the care programme approach. Work in partnership with service users to assist them in identifying activities that are meaningful to them and that support agreed health outcomes. Regularly support service users to access a range of activities and services to maintain their independence and promote their recovery. Regularly support Registered Professionals and service users during activities to promote their physical and mental wellbeing. Assist service users in meeting their personal care needs. Provide information, support and guidance to carers, friends and relatives of service users. At all times take responsibility for own personal and professional development and support the development of colleagues, students, trainees and volunteers. Regularly access and make use of supervision. Regularly participate in activities focused on the delivery of a high quality customer focused service. Undertake activities to, and make suggestions about how to improve services. Physical Effort There is a frequent requirement for light physical effort for several short periods during a shift. Mental Effort There is an occasional requirement for concentration where the work pattern is unpredictable. Emotional Effort There is occasional exposure to highly distressing or highly emotional circumstances.