This part time Consultant Psychiatrist post will be dedicated to Perinatal Psychiatry in North Cumbria. The successful candidate will join the dynamic multidisciplinary team, established 6 years ago and they will provide senior medical input to the team. They will hold two outpatient clinics per week at various sites in North Cumbria, supporting the team and being available for liaison and case discussions. This post is for 5 PA, however we would be happy to support candidates to increase the number of PAs worked if desired as there are opportunities within the Community Treatment Team. The post holder will provide senior medical input and typically see one new patient and 2 follow-ups per outpatient clinic. They will liaise closely with the multi-disciplinary team and be available for case discussions on a daily basis. The team uses online consultations due to the geography of the area to facilitate timely assessments and reviews. The post holder will have time in their clinics to be able to respond to urgent cases should this be required. There are 5 programmed activities (1.5 SPA including CPD). We would be happy to support candidates to increase the number of PAs worked if desired as there are opportunities within the Community Treatment Team. Applicants should be on the Specialist Register or be within 6 months of obtaining CCT at the point of interview. Candidates should be suitably qualified, including eligibility for Section 12 approval and Approved Clinician status. Please refer to the attached job description and person specification for further details. As an added bonus, the Trust is located in the Northeast of England and Cumbria which is an area of outstanding natural beauty, containing national parks, ancient heritage sites and major cities supported by excellent national and international transport links. The area is predominantly rural and contains the Lake District National Park which is considered one of Englands finest areas of natural beauty.