To agree, a contract of employment. To comply with all GMC regulations as laid out in Good Medical Practice To observe the Trusts agreed policies and procedures, in particular in relation to managing staff, and to follow the Trusts Standing Orders and Standing Financial Instructions. These policies and procedures have been drawn up in consultation with the profession on clinical matters. To take responsibility for your own Health & Safety complying with any safe working arrangements, policies and procedures which are in place. To comply with all Trust requirements of appraisal, assessment and of the proposed medical training programme as stipulated by the programme leads. To compete Trust general and local induction To work appropriately and effectively within your clinical team within the limits of your competency under clinical and educational supervision. In conjunction with Consultant and Senior colleagues, and commensurate with your grade, to play a full part in the supervision and support of other members of your team including more junior medical staff. In conjunction with colleagues, to take responsibility for the best use of departmental staffing and other resources to ensure the maximum efficiency of the department. In conjunction with colleagues, to ensure that the requirements of clinical governance are met and to take part in medical audit and research as appropriate. To accept a duty to other staff and patients to ensure that any risks, incidents and hazards are reported and managed appropriately.