1. Quality Monitoring and Development Ensure robust and comprehensive processes are in place to gather and triangulate information and data to monitor the quality of services to ensure the early detection of any quality concerns. This will include the review the evidence received from providers against their quality metrics and holding them to account where these are not achieved Ensure areas requiring improvement are followed up and co-ordinate support for resolution and actions as required. Direct and participate in announced and unannounced quality assurance and patient safety visits To support the development of new service specifications and the review and refresh of existing clinical quality specifications. Ensure that the appropriate quality standards and indicators are incorporated into commissioning strategies, service specifications and service level agreements. To establish and maintain effective partnerships across the system, social care and service providers. To act as a champion for patients and their interests and involve the public and patients in improving the quality of commissioned services. Promote quality, innovation and partnership working. To regularly review and update the ICBs quality monitoring and surveillance systems to ensure the capture and robust triangulation of data. Be responsible for making judgements and recommendations regarding providers performance against key quality indicators and standards Identify areas for improvement which demonstrate appropriate outcome measures, value for money and person-centred care and work in partnership with providers support quality improvement programmes. To lead clinical quality performance reviews and produce reports and recommendations for improvements. To be responsible for advising on the development and reviewing of systems, evidence-based practice and clinical quality which contribute to the care and wellbeing of patients and clients. Patient Safety and Experience To participate in the Patient Safety Specialist Network across the system To ensure that clinical risk and patient safety systems and procedures are in place across the ICB. To support the ICB and wider system in the transition to Patient Safety Incident and Response Framework, embedding patient safety and learning into the system Lead the quality and patient safety agenda, providing specialist advice and securing robust assurance on patient safety matters. Ensure a proactive culture of learning lessons and sharing good practice exists across the ICB and wider health economy. Promote a proactive patient safety culture with all services. Support the development and implementation of a patient safety strategy, working with key stakeholders to ensure an integrated approach and sustained improvements. To ensure robust policies re Patient Safety reflect best practice and current guidance. To ensure adequate and appropriate internal and external feedback on current clinical practice which impacts on complaints, risk assessments, significant incidents and clinical audit. Ensure that the ICBs responds to any changes in legislation relating to patient safety and risk. Clinical Quality and Effectiveness To ensure the Quality, Safety and Experience Committee (QSEC) and ICB board has available all of the necessary data and information to monitor key clinical governance components and progress toward compliance with standards. Compile reports and present on a regular basis to key Committees. To work within the Coventry and Warwickshire quality assurance framework, detecting, areas of poor clinical performance, analysing highly sensitive information, undertaking investigations and preparing reports for the QSEC and System Quality Group. To provide specialist input and advice to ensure that the delivery of clinical governance activity across the system. To establish and develop effective shared learning mechanisms from clinical governance processes and risk. To ensure adequate and appropriate support to the development of quality monitoring tools across the ICB. To support the ICB in the implementation of effective project management arrangements in relation to clinical governance activities. To ensure adequate links with commissioning and contracting in respect of NICE requirements, findings from National Enquiries, Evidence Based Practice and changing clinical standards to inform service specifications and service redesign. To identify new developments in service delivery and best practice through horizon scanning and to consider how these could lead to improved practice/services improvement and to link same with the commissioning process. To establish effective working relationships across the local health community and with external agencies. Leadership To effectively manage accountable staff and resources in accordance with ICB policies and procedures. Ensure that Performance Reviews and Personal Development plans are completed for all staff in accordance with Trust Policy, and that appropriate training is facilitated. To assist the Directors of Nursing with any other projects as agreed. To ensure confidentiality of patient and staff information is maintained at all times. To be familiar with and adhere to the Policies and Procedural Guidance of the Clinical Commissioning Groups. To actively support the development of individuals and the team through appraisal, personal development planning, coaching and mentoring. To model a collaborative and influencing style of working, negotiating with others to achieve best outcomes provider organisations. To contribute to the development of the principles that promote a supportive, facilitative approach, and a culture in which staff will evaluate and challenge practice that does not meet required standards. Professional Leadership To contribute to the ICBs annual report. To represent the CCG at national and local forums as appropriate. To be responsible for directing his/her own learning and maintaining his/her own. Freedom to Act To demonstrate the ability to interpret national policy/guidance for the ICB and wider system including NHS acute, Mental Health and Independent providers. To demonstrate the ability to interpret, analyse and independently plan approaches and appropriately risk assess as part of leading policy/guidance implementation. This includes the ability to operate independently, manage external providers/organisations and provide challenge as appropriate. Physical Effort To demonstrate the ability to undertake a combination of sitting at computer for extended periods, standing/walking/driving for extended periods as part of travel to and around provider sites and clinical areas. Clinical visits and interactions with patients and staff requiring moderate effort for long periods. Mental Effort To be able to undertake frequent periods of concentration, in order to complete analysis of data to complete reports/presentations, meetings. To be able to effectively manage frequent interruptions to support staff and respond to urgent provider issues. To also be adaptable to manage sometimes an unpredictable workload and/or pattern. Emotional Effort To demonstrate emotional resilience to be able to manage distressing / highly distressing clinical situations/incidents relating to unexpected/ distressing circumstances (including deaths) in order to ensure appropriate escalation/reporting and to ensure robustness of action planning and dissemination of learning in relation to patient safety and safeguarding of patients. This includes the ability to manage staff issues, complaints and reporting. This may include working occasionally in unpleasant conditions associated with site assurance and quality visits to clinical areas.