General labourer with CSCS needed in Fulbourn Cambridge.
Please call Curtis on 07500000028 or Siobhan on 07825310672 for more details.
1. Paid weekly every Friday
2. Working hours are from 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday (This could be subject to change dependant on site)
3. £50 Voucher – O&B Referral Scheme, ask for more details
4. Long Term work for successful candidate
5. Further training and upskilling available
Minimum Requirements:
1. CSCS Certification
2. PPE (This can be provided if required)
3. Proof of Right to Work in the UK
4. Be reliable and punctual
5. Hard working
6. Respectful
If you’re interested in this position, please call, text, or WhatsApp 07825310672 for more details.
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