Job Title: Midday Assistant (Primary)
Grade: Scale 2 point 3-4
Reports To: Deputy Headteacher
Staff Managed (if any): None
Job Purpose And Content
A Midday Supervisor is (usually) one of a team of school staff who are
responsible for pupil supervision during the midday break. The postholder will
be supervised on a day-to-day basis by a Senior Midday Supervisor and be
managed by the headteacher.
During the midday break the Midday Supervisor will be responsible for:
* The transition of pupils from class to the dining hall and/or the school playground (or other designated areas during wet play) and back to class at the end of lunchtime
* Supervising and supporting pupils whilst they eat
* Promoting and supervising positive and active play and pupil relationships
* Health, safety, security and basic first aid (after relevant training)
* Pupil discipline and behaviour management.
Responsibilities And Role
1. The movement of pupils from their classrooms or the playground to the
dining hall(s)/eating areas according to the schedules or timetables of the
school and their return to the classrooms from the dining hall(s)/eating areas
or the playground on time
2. The maintenance of good order and pupil discipline, which is consistent with
the behaviour policy and the culture and ethos of the school. The postholder
is expected to intervene where necessary and know when and how to refer
relevant discipline and behaviour matters to more senior school staff
3. Dealing with minor accidents or injuries and administering routine first aid
(after training) or referring the pupil to the designated first aider. Referring
serious accidents or injuries to a senior member of staff
4. To report and bring to the attention of the relevant class teacher any serious
incidents of pupil misbehaviour: to be aware of particular pupils and pupil
relationships and to follow the strategies agreed with the teacher for
addressing these pupils needs
5. Supervising pupils in the dining hall(s)/eating areas which may include:
* Organising the eating space and making sure the space is hygienic, clean and tidy before and after eating
* Organising the pupils before, during and after their meal
* Supporting pupils with particular needs
* Supporting the food selection and nutrition policy of the school
* Dealing with spillages including body fluids (in accordance with the procedures of the school)
* Supporting pupil hygiene and social skills
6. Supervising pupils in areas of the school designated for play (including for
wet play), which will include:
* Monitoring safe activity, intervening as necessary
* Monitoring security. monitoring entry and exit from the school premises and challenging and reporting strangers where relevant
* Actively promoting and instigating positive play and games, joining in with pupils where relevant
* Being aware of and supporting the needs of particular children. encouraging socialisation and preventing bullying
7. Monitoring the toilet areas, addressing inappropriate behaviour, dealing with
immediate issues and reporting to the schoolkeeper or other relevant person
any damage or repairs required
8. Carrying out routine administration associated with the main duties of the
post, which may include, for example, completing meals registers, receiving
late payments and so forth
9. Dealing with complaints, enquiries and requests for information (that are
within the remit of the postholder), and referring matters that cannot be
resolved to the relevant person
10.To carry out the work of the job in a way that is consistent with the culture,
ethos, equalities and inclusion policies of the school
11. To take appropriate action to identify, evaluate and minimise any risks to
health, safety and security in the immediate working environment
12.To complete school based induction and any subsequent training required to
improve performance and take part in the school performance management
system (where relevant).
1. The school expects all staff to be flexible. This means that a Midday Supervisor can
be expected to carry out duties that are not specified in this but that
are within the scope of responsibilities of the post
2. This will be reviewed after one year and any review will include
discussion with the postholder.