To be responsible for implementing systems for and managing the provision of all Trust homecare services, ensuring that national standards and governance arrangements are in place for all medicines supplied via homecare. To be the main point of contact between the pharmacy department, Trust staff and Homecare / drug companies with regard to patient-level information on drugs supplied via Homecare and other patient access / risk sharing schemes. To lead and develop centralisation of homecare services across the Trust. Work with senior clinical pharmacists and outpatient staff and other Pharmacy staff to identify, plan, and develop new opportunities for homecare services. To provide specialist advice on medicines and processes associated with homecare medicines management to patients, carers, and homecare contractors. To understand the implications and importance of Payment by Results (PbR), and of high-cost and other rechargeable drugs - to be able to engage other staff in supporting the provision of information to the Trust Contracts Department and Commissioners. To ensure operational processes are followed for specific commissioning requirements related to reimbursement of individual medicines. To support the strategic development and planning of drug expenditure reporting. To have a high-level of expertise in the use of the Pharmacy databases used to provide usage information on high cost and other rechargeable drugs. To support the management of schemes and services (Homecare, drug company patient access schemes) to ensure timely and safe patient access to off-tariff drugs (OTD). To develop processes and strategies to manage homecare complaints. Incorporate any plan for homecare into treatment guidelines, protocols and local patient pathways. Co-ordinates the service review meetings for homecare medicines management working closely with homecare companies, pharmacists, nurses, doctors, other healthcare staff, and patients. Investigates, develops, and reports on the current and future processes for patients consenting to receive medicines via homecare. Works with the Chief Homecare Technician and the rest of the pharmacy homecare team to provide liaison with homecare companies over problems with prompt payment of invoices for homecare services. Links in with the regional homecare lead and assists with regionally led initiatives. Builds regional links with other pharmacists and technicians in order to share best practice. Undertakes research into homecare medicines management services, which may include the trial of novel methods of providing homecare medicines management or service for medicines previously not managed through homecare. Responsible for training and supporting all grades of staff on homecare medicines management and the use of off-tariff drugs. To maintain systems for managing the provision of patient level drug expenditure information. To resolve specific queries from commissioners on OTD expenditure information. To support the provision of specialist drug expenditure information and advice to departmental and Trust staff. To support effective communication throughout the pharmacy service and the Trust of any developments in reporting of expenditure on OTD. To implement service changes, policies and procedures for the effective and accurate provision of patient level drug expenditure information. To contribute to wider policies that have an impact within the pharmacy department and across the Trust. To participate in audits of the quality and cost-effectiveness of medicines use. To maintain and develop high quality, consistent, patient-focused pharmacy services in conjunction with clinical and patient services staff. To be able to use pharmacy computer systems correctly, enter data accurately from transcription sheets, prescription forms and any other prescriptions written by others and ensure that data is stored and archived appropriately in accordance with local and regionally agreed guidelines.