For Full Job Description please see Job description file attached. Daily supervise routine and specialised diagnostic investigations on potentially infectious patient and environmental samples using manual and automated techniques. Frequently handles potentially highly infectious and known highly infectious material in order to perform subjective interpretation of diagnostic investigations and be responsible for the validity of results. Daily supervises and co-ordinates the day-to-day operations of a section or sections of the laboratory, solving complex analytical problems to ensure a high standard of work that is completed in a safe and timely manner.
Knows how to proceed in the event of a technical / analytical non-conformance and when to inform the Laboratory Manager. Completes non-conformance record forms and submits to the Senior BMS/Quality Lead and / or Laboratory Manager. Quality responsibilities include being responsible for the system of document control. This includes maintaining an electronic database of the master list of all laboratory policies and procedures, issuing controlled documents, and ensuring that documents are reviewed on the set review date.
Co-ordinate and ensure the Microbiology Audit Programme is adhered to. Is a nominated Microbiology Audit Officer and conducts vertical, horizontal and observational audits. Supervise the programme of Internal Quality Assessment (IQA). Regularly monitors and signs off non-conformance reports including IQA & External Quality Assessment (EQA) and ensures that appropriate corrective and/or preventative action has been implemented. Monitor the requirements of the Departments users and ensure that they are reflected within defined quality performance measures.
In collaboration with the Head BMS, follows up external and other inspections and ensures and verifies that completion of any corrective actions has been undertaken. Responsibility for the education and training of all staff in quality principles and practice. Prepare reports for the Quality Management Review to include: Internal audit of the quality management system, Internal audit of the examination process, Performance in EQA schemes, Performance in IQA schemes, Assessment of user satisfaction surveys and complaints, and Assessments by outside bodies e.g. Care Quality Commission.
Non-conformances and the status of corrective and preventative actions. Support the Head of Department and Head BMS in the investigation of complaints and incidents. Provide support to senior laboratory staff on quality management matters. Attend senior staff meetings and also report on quality matters.
Convene and Chair the Microbiology Countywide Quality And Accreditation Group. In collaboration with the Consultant Head of Department and Head BMS, be responsible for the development, maintenance and revision of laboratory procedures to ensure a high standard of work, observing confidentiality, safety and data protection in accordance with CPA standards, including maintenance of staff records of training on SOPs. Assist the Head BMS in the production of the annual Departmental Training Plan. Co-ordinate the production of training and guidance notes that support Standard Operating Procedures and the completion of the IBMS Certificate of Competence Portfolio.