Working autonomously taking responsibility for a defined caseload of patients, which includes seeing/contacting patients who have only a radiological diagnosis of a tumour, thus ensuring this group of patients have a point of contact. orking autonomously with the MDT to see/ contact patients who have had investigations but where there has been no evidence of a tumour, thus supporting this group of patients. Triaging and assesses potentially highly complex patients, planning, implementing and reviewing care within the hospital environment, both in-patient and out-patient, community or other settings. Promotes early discharge from hospital as appropriate. Liaise or attend the relevant Cancer Multidisciplinary Teams (MDTs); to discuss the necessary investigations and support the patient pathway. Work with the MDT coordinators and the NSS Navigator to ensure that Cancer Wait Targets remain a focus and a high priority across the Multidisciplinary Teams. Use clinical-reasoning skills to undertake an in-depth assessment of the presenting problem. Interpret findings, develop working and differential diagnoses and formulate, communicate, implement and evaluate management plans. Deliver personalised care for NSS cancer patients, focusing on holistic needs assessments, and health and wellbeing. Build up an understanding of the local and national services that support rarer cancer patients and signpost patients to these services. Please see the attached job description for full information