Job Description
Post Title: Early Years Practitioner (Gaelic)
Location: Bun-Sgoil Ghàidhlig Phort Rìgh
Hours: 30 hours per week
Duration: Permanent
Salary: £18,809 - £20,603 (Unqualified) £20,893 - £22,880 (Qualified)
Salary placing will normally be at the first point of the scale.
Contact Person: Flora Guidi Tel: 01478 614770
The Highland Council is an Equal Opportunities employer and is committed to improving the diversity of its workforce. We welcome applications from people from all backgrounds, representative of the communities we serve. We champion diversity, inclusion and wellbeing within the workplace.
As a disability confident employer, we guarantee to interview all disabled applicants who meet the minimum essential criteria requirements for the post.
Prior to confirming appointment, we will require successful candidates to become members of the Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) Scheme.
Shortlisted applicants will normally be contacted by email, unless otherwise stated. Please check your emails regularly, including your junk/spam folder.
Those employed as Early Years Practitioner- qualified should hold a recognised qualification in Childcare and Education. (For example HNC/NNEB/SVQ 3) and will be paid on grade HC0535.
Unqualified workers employed as Early Years Practitioner- unqualified will be required to work towards one of the above awards within an agreed timescale and will be paid on grade HC0435.
The Early Years Practitioner is required to hold a relevant Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) registration or agree to apply to SSSC to register as a practitioner. On taking up the post, the Early Years Practitioner should register with the SSSC.
If they are already registered and their employment with Highland Council means a change of employer they must inform the SSSC of any changes.
Qualifications in Food Handling and First Aid would be advantageous.
Gaelic essential
Bu chòir dhaibhsan a tha air am fastadh mar Neach-obrach Thràth-bhliadhnaichean - le teisteanas - a bhith a' cumail teisteanas aithnichte ann an Cùram-chloinne agus Foghlam. (Mar eisimpleir HNC/NNEB/SVQ 3) is bidh am pàigheadh aig ìre HC0535.
Bidh e mar riatanas air Neach-obrach Thràth-bhliadhnaichean - gun teisteanas - obrachadh gu ruige aon de na duaisean gu h-àrd taobh a-staigh raon-ama aontaichte agus bidh am pàigheadh aig ìre HC0435.
Feumaidh an Neach-obrach Thràth-bhliadhnaichean a bhith clàraichte le Comhairle Sheirbheisean Sòisealta na h-Alba (CSSA) no aontachadh cur a-steach gu CSSA gus clàrachadh mar neach-cleachdaidh. Às dèidh an dreuchd a ghabhail, bu chòir dhan Neach-obrach Thràth-bhliadhnaichean clàrachadh le CSSA.
Ma tha iad clàraichte mar-thà agus an cosnadh le Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd a' ciallachadh gu bheil iad ag atharrachadh fastaiche, feumaidh iad innse do CSSA mu atharrachaidhean sam bith.
Bhiodh teisteanasan ann an Làimhseachadh Bìdh agus Ciad Chobhair nam buannachdan.