SEN Teaching Assistant (personal care) Level 2 – 25 hours/week, term time only
Initially 1 year fixed term
Required from: ASAP
Located at Danegrove Primary School, Windsor Drive, Barnet EN4 8UD
A teaching assistant providing support to individual pupil(s) and/or groups of pupils between the ages of 4-11 years with additional, sometimes complex, needs and learning difficulties and associated disabilities, including those pupils who may require support with intimate care needs.
Teaching assistants are an essential part of the teaching team. The role requires close cooperation and communication by all staff to ensure the efficient running of the school, to meet the care needs of pupils and their educational targets.
The post holder works under the direct instruction of teaching staff to support access to learning and deliver learning programmes for pupils. They provide general support to the teacher in the management of pupil’s intimate care programmes, therapy provision and the organisation of teaching and whole school resources.
Support may be carried out in the classroom or outside the main teaching area.
Support for the Pupils
· Assist with the development and implementation of Education, Health and Care Plans and/or other support plans, as required with a particular understanding of supporting children with physical and/or medical needs.
· Attend to the pupils' personal care needs and implement related personal programmes, including social, health, physical, hygiene, first aid and welfare matters. This may include catheterisation, swimming and supporting physical education programmes.
· To be familiar with the pupil’s care plan and provide care, encouragement and maintain dignity.
· Establish good relationships with pupils, acting as a role model and being aware of and responding appropriately to individual needs.
· Encourage pupils to interact with others and engage in activities led by the teacher
· Set challenging and demanding expectations and promote self-esteem and independence
· Provide feedback to pupils in relation to progress and achievement under guidance of the teacher
· Provide and use visuals to support the children’s communication needs.
· Set up and organise visual timetables and now and next boards to support the child with their day under the guidance of the class teacher and SENDCo.
Support for the Teacher, including:
· Use strategies, in liaison with the teacher, to support pupils to achieve learning goals
· Assist with the preparation of learning activities
· Report pupils’ responses to learning activities and record achievement/progress, as directed
· Provide detailed and regular feedback to teachers on pupils’ achievement, progress, problems
· Promote good pupil behaviour, dealing promptly with conflict and incidents in line with the school’s policy and encourage pupils to take responsibility for their own behaviour
· Establish constructive relationships with parents/carers, referring any difficult or contentious issues as appropriate
Support for the Curriculum, including
· Assist with the implementation of structured and agreed learning activities and teaching programmes, adjusting activities according to pupil responses
· Assist with the implementation of programmes linked to local and national learning initiatives, recording achievement and progress and feeding back to the teacher.
Support for the School, including:
· Be aware of and comply with policies and procedures relating to child protection, safeguarding, health, safety and security, confidentiality and data protection, reporting all concerns to an appropriate person
· Be aware of and support differences to ensure all pupils have equal access to opportunities to learn and develop
· Participate in training and other learning activities and performance development, as required
· Assist with the supervision of pupils out of lesson times, as appropriate
· Accompany teaching staff and pupils on educational visits, trips and out of school activities as required and take responsibility for a group under the supervision of the teacher
· Assist with special events, such as School Concerts, Plays, Parents’ / Carers’ evenings
Knowledge, training and experiences
· Educated to GCSE Grade A-C in English and Mathematics or equivalent
· Experience working with a pupil with complex physical and medical needs.
· A working knowledge of strategies to support children with physical and medical needs.
· Understanding of the national curriculum and relevant school policies
· Computer literate – must have good ICT skills including a working knowledge of Microsoft software
· Knowledge of how to apply individual Education, Health and Care Plans and/or other support plans
· Knowledge of relevant policies and procedures such, as child protection and safeguarding, health and safety, managing behaviour and positive handling
· Awareness of physiotherapy, occupational therapy/speech/language therapy and the ability to delivery, with training, any special interventions that are required
· May undertake training as required, such as first aid training, catheter training, training on ADHD, Epilepsy, use of Epi-pen, allergies, fire safety training, Team Teach
Will demonstrate skill in:
Planning, organising and controlling
Initiative and innovation
Physical requirements:
· May need to attend to a range of personal care, hygiene and medical needs which include catheterisation, changing nappies and soiled clothing.
· May experience a range of behaviours from pupils, such as verbal abuse, challenging behaviour, physical outbursts
· May occasionally be exposed to challenging parents/carers and occasionally verbal abuse.