To provide individual support for people and explore ways of improving mental health and well-being Support people to utilise self-help and facilitated tools to aid induvial goal planning and measurement of recovery Potentially support people to make informed choices about their health and wellbeing, which includes improving the levels of physical activity, promoting a healthier diet and improving mental wellbeing Support access to wider community activities and support as part of an individual plan Effectively signpost and support access to appropriate services Support primary care colleagues to address the wider determinants of health and deliver individual package of support and education Facilitate collective action, support and advice to people within local communities in order to reduce health inequalities whilst responding to identified health needs through one-to-one support Utilise social prescribing to develop individual recovery and support planning including working with the team directly across the Practice Promote effective and efficient working practices across the team to achieve measurable outcome Planning own workload you will promote and facilitate innovation and continuous improvement to deliver better services for service users and patients