You will provide an administrative support function to the MDAC organisation to enable the outputs of this 24/7 operational unit to be met.
Act as a focal point for personnel joining and leaving the unit. To liaise with individuals and their Line Managers, to maintain accurate personnel records on the designated HR systems.
You will be required to be an Electronic Procurement Cardholder to cover the procurement requirements of the unit that fall outside of routine processes, working within the limits and delegations specified on the supporting Letter of Delegation.
You will collect the post from the station Post Room and sort for distribution. Deal with any correspondence, as appropriate (i.e. drafting emails, writing letters, making phone calls) relating to the administration of the unit personnel and any associated invoices for payment.
You will place monthly orders for stationery, printer consumables via Station Supply section.
You will maintain a register of all unit travel bookings and costs incurred. Issue authority references to enable bookings to be made by the Station Travel Cell on behalf of MDAC personnel, once approved.
You will assist with the processing of Disturbance and removal allowances associated with service moves/detachments, as directed.
You will assist with position management/service establishment changes to requirements on JPA/SLIM as directed.
You will conduct scrutiny and validation checks on HRMS/JPA claims, as required and directed.
You will complete all mandatory training within the timelines designated for completion.
You will undertake any other ad hoc administrative tasks as consummate for the grade, as designated by the unit Warrant Officer or Line Manager.