The Hub is the College’s purpose built multimedia Resource Centre. First opened in September 2002, it has been rebranded and refurbished to meet the evolving needs of its users. It has accommodation on 2 floors, divided into training rooms and Library/ICT facilities. As user numbers and services continue to increase and develop, the Learning Resources Assistant has a key role in supporting the daily running of The Hub, as well as contributing towards the long term aims and objectives as agreed by the Hub Supervisor and the College Senior Management Team.
1. To assist all users in the use of new technologies and College IT systems including the use of existing College software such as Microsoft Office 365, and Adobe Design Suite.
1. To develop and maintain electronic resources related to The Hub.
1. To actively manage appropriate student behaviour in The Hub, maintaining an environment conducive for study.
1. To offer informal study support for students working outside of lessons on their Level 3 courses.
1. To manage the student sign-out process.
1. To assist in the production and administration of College ID badges/learner travel passes.
1. To support the processing, shelving, circulation and maintenance of stock for hard copy materials and the administration of the e-book platform.
1. To assist in the registration and induction of new users.
1. To assist in the process of submission of coursework to The Hub.
1. To undertake general housekeeping duties, and any other duties as may reasonably be allocated by the Hub Manager.
1. To undertake appropriate and reasonable tasks as the Principal may from time to time require.
Part of your remit may also be providing high quality academic skills support and assisting with study support in The HUB. Many of our students come from disadvantaged backgrounds and we use a range of measures to identify and support this cohort, taking account of economic, social and cultural capital. Our educational ethos gives our students an understanding that their chances in life are governed by their attitude and their hard work. This College gives them all a fair chance to achieve regardless of their background and the support systems in College underpin the values at the heart of the institution. We support students either one to one or in small groups to help improve their writing style, revision skills and organisation to ensure all students are equipped with the skill set to progress and achieve the grades they are capable of.