The carrying out of medicines optimisation tasks including effective medicines administration, supporting medication reviews and medicines reconciliation. Support the Clinical Pharmacists in Structured Medication Reviews and outcomes. Support the PCN Practices to achieve local QoF, QIPP and other locally commissioned services including the enhanced service. Supporting initiatives for antimicrobial stewardship to reduce inappropriate antibiotic prescribing. Support any national vaccination program in a clinical capacity (covid vaccinations). Telephone medicines support Management of medicines in a care home setting Reviewing of safer prescribing and prescribing safety alerts. Support care homes with medication requests and management of ERD's. Undertaking clinical audits and reporting findings back to the wider Practice and PCN team. The postholder should have an understanding of the wider health, social, economic and environmental factors impacting patients. An appreciation of the nature of Primary Care prescribing, concepts of safe prescribing and strategies to improve prescribing.