To assume command of the vessel in the absence of the appointed Master.
Duties & Responsibilities
Responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
1. To be medically fit, competent, and qualified in accordance with international standards to S.T.C.W., or other pertinent regulations including the Company's own requirements, and be fully conversant with the S.M.S.
2. Responsible for his own watch and organisation of the deck department.
3. To supervise safety and vessel familiarisation for all ship's personnel new to the vessel, as directed by the Ship's Master.
4. To manage cargo calculations based on ullages, deadweight scale, and the equipment on board to determine trim and stability in port and while handling cargo on location.
5. To supervise loading, unloading, and ballasting.
6. To stand navigation, port, and anchor watches as per watch rotation agreed on.
7. To manage and update the Planned Maintenance System.
8. To take inventory of the existing equipment as installed on board the vessel, in order to compile a maintenance plan for this equipment.
9. To maintain defects register and prepare requisitions for spares required.
10. To assist the Ship's Master with the performance appraisal of Deck Ratings on board.
11. To prepare a handover report for the relieving Chief Officer and discuss details.
12. Execute measures to prevent and/or reduce pollution to the environment.
13. To carry out all duties of the designated Safety Officer on board. See separate Job Description.
14. To monitor inspection of all equipment contained within the Safety Equipment Record Book.