The contract will be a 10 PA contract but extra DCC sessions are negotiable. The direct clinical care sessions will be delivered on an annualised sessional contract. Consultants work in blocks of time, covering from 8am to 8pm. Overnight, a trainee from both tiers is resident, providing cover to the Critical Care unit and referrals from the wards, theatres and the Emergency Department. Jobs plans will be formally reviewed within the first 6 months after appointment and agreed according to evidence from actual activity. All consultants will be allocated 1.5 core SPA per week for professional development (CPD). Job Planning, Appraisal, Mandatory Training, attendance at regular team meetings which will have a clinical governance aspect, and participating in Audit. Core SPA time will generally be undertaken within the Trust. Any variation from this principle must be discussed, agreed and made clear within the Consultant Job Plan. Additional SPA time will be made available to Consultants on the basis of evidenced need. Such allocation will be agreed and subsequently reviewed by the Consultant and their Head of Department during the Job Plan review session. Additional (non-core) SPA time will be undertaken within the Trust or at other agreed NHS sites or academic institutions during the normal working day.