The post holder will provide direct support to the Maternity Services by coordinating compliance with audit, guidelines, all regulatory, statutory and good practice governance requirements, including Ockenden, NHS Resolution Maternity and Perinatal Incentive Scheme (MIS) and theCareQualityCommission’s (CQC)5coredomainsandstandards,and provideevidence of such compliance for internal and external assurance.
The postholder will work closely with the Maternity Compliance and Assurance Lead, Lead Midwifefor Governance and Quality, ObstetricGovernance Lead, ObstetricAuditLead, Director of Midwifery, Head of Midwifery and Consultant Midwife.
The postholder will lead in key areas including audit, quality improvement, clinical guidelines and support and monitor actions from these workstreams.
· To workwith theclinicalteam and governance teamto coordinate andgathertheevidencerequiredtodemonstratecompliancewiththeelementsof the Maternity and Perinatal Incentive Scheme (MIS).
· Planandorganisecomplexactivitiesorprogrammesofworktocoordinate,implement,deliverandprovideassuranceagainstnationalandlocalstandards.
· Work in collaboration with the guideline and audit Leads to monitor audit and guidelines compliance, the implementation of actions from audits, QI projects, incidentsandperinatalmortalityreviewsandtomonitorprogressagainst localand national standards.
· Supporttheembeddingofacultureofcontinuousqualityimprovementandassurance across all services.
· Report to the clinical governance team any information received from other external agencies in relation to national maternity standards.
· Support the maternity escalation rota as required.
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As part of our BHT family, you’ll benefit from learning and development opportunities to support your career progression.
Alongside NHS benefits of generous annual leave entitlement and pension scheme, you'll have access to NHS discount schemes.
We provide a range of health and wellbeing services to promote a healthy, happy workforce.
What do we stand for?
Our vision is to provide outstanding care, support healthy communities and be a great place to work.
Our mission is to provide personal and compassionate care every time.
We are working hard to increase diversity at all levels within the trust. We believe a diverse workforce can have a positive effect on both staff wellbeing and patient outcomes.
We welcome applications from black, Asian and minority ethnic candidates, LGBTQ+ candidates, candidates with disabilities and care-experienced candidates.
We are proud to achieve the Gold award for the Armed Forces Covenant and support applications from the Armed Forces Community. Please contact (our Armed Forces Covenant Lead) if you would like guidance or assistance with your application.
We make employment decisions by matching our service needs with the skills and experience of candidates, regardless of age, disability, gender, gender identity, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, or sexual orientation.
· Provideclearandconsistentleadershiptotheclinicalgovernancesupportstaff.
· Influenceandnurturepositiveattitudesandbehaviourswithintheteamandwider multidisciplinary team.
· Provide specialist knowledge across a range of governance and assurance proceduresandprocesses,particularlyinrelationtoMIS,OckendenandCQC.
· Abilitytoleadandinfluencechange.
· Actasaresourceforstafftoaccessandraiseawarenessofnationalandlocal policies that will impact upon them and affect the delivery of patient care.
· Assistallmembersoftheclinicalgovernancesupportteamtounderstandandachieve their work streams using a continuous assessment process.
· Providetimelyaccuratereportstothedivision.
· Communicate with key personnel leads to maximise the potential for successful implementation of evidence-based guidelines reflecting national standards andrecommendations.
· Know and influence the function of committees that professionally or managerially affect the provision of maternity services.
· Useeveryopportunitytofacilitateteaching,learningandreflectionintheclinicalarea
· Introducenewwaysofworkingifapplicable.
This advert closes on Thursday 20 Mar 2025