Foundation Trust/Secretariat To act independently in planning and co-ordinating, attending and servicing a range of meetings within the Trust; being responsible for the booking of accommodation and refreshments, preparation of agendas, collation and distribution of timely and high quality documentation to attendees, recording of discussions and decisions taken at meetings, the compilation and production of accurate minutes, the composition of letters arising out of meetings and dealing with all follow-up actions. Re-arranging meetings as necessary. Liaise with internal and external meeting attendees and presenters as part of the process of planning and co-ordinating meetings above. This may include Board members of other organisations and those of equivalent seniority. Use of highly developed typing skills for the production of timely and accurate meeting documentation. To provide routine procedural advice on corporate governance issues. To maintain paper-based and electronic statutory registers and the records management system. To assist with the administration and organisation of elections to the Council of Governors working with any third party organisations which the Trust employs to recruit and communicate with members including the preparation and distribution of election communications. To support training for the Governors in all aspects of their responsibilities: identifying and sourcing appropriate training, arranging training dates, organising slots and overseeing / delivering administration of all aspects of the training day. To assist the Governor and Membership Engagement Officer in building the membership and profile of the Trust including the organisation of public events and preparation of mail shots. To be the first point of contact in relation to queries regarding committee meetings. Freedom of Information and Environmental Information Regulations Maintain and implement an effective system for recording, controlling and responding to all requests for information received by the Trust under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Manage a caseload of requests received under the FOIA and EIR ensuring the collation and production of quality responses within the time frame set out by the Act and support colleagues during absence to ensure a constant provision of service. To act independently in ensuring that all requests for information are registered to the system and managed in a way that enables the Trust to comply with the requirements of the Act as regards disclosure and response times. Act as the point of contact for applicants under the FOIA and EIR, and where appropriate; liaise with the requesting party over the nature of the request, the provision of additional detail about it and the need for an extension of time for responding. Provide advice and guidance to managers and teams on the requirements of the FOIA and EIR, and their duties and responsibilities under it. Support the development and maintenance of the Trusts publication scheme and disclosure log Escalate issues with FOI and EIR requests and response times, as appropriate to the Corporate Affairs Manager. Support the delivery of internal training in accordance with the FOI and EIR Training programme. Maintain current knowledge of the application of the FOI Act 2000 and associated case law. Corporate Records Ensure the maintenance and development of up to date, accurate and complete libraries of policies and procedures, including Patient Information Leaflets and LOCSIPS, in line with the Policy for Policies and Corporate Records Policy, including both electronic and paper libraries in line with need; Provide advice, education and communication to Care Groups and corporate directorates to support the implementation of the Policy for Policies and corporate records requirements within their areas. Support the development and publication of template documentation to assist Care Groups and corporate directorates in complying with the Policy for Procedural Governance Documents. Designing, supervising the delivery and reporting of an audit programme to monitor compliance with the Corporate Records Policy and requirements in each area of the Trust as appropriate. Provide support and guidance for the Procedural Documents function of the CDDFT Quality Insights System. General Maintain and continuously improve sustainable systems and processes for all of the above activities Providing cover for colleagues across the Trust as necessary and at the demands of the service. Propose changes to Policies and Procedures with regard to changes in national policy and changes in law. Implements Policies and Procedures for own area which impact across the Trust. Any other duties relevant to the grade.