Hull York Medical School seeks to appoint an NIHR Academic Clinical Lecturer in Ophthalmology/Medical Ophthalmology, based at the University of York. We are seeking a highly motivated, enthusiastic individual wishing to excel in both their clinical and academic training, with the ambition to join the next generation of leading clinical academics.
The Academic Clinical Lecturer will continue clinical training at 50% whole time equivalent rate within NHS England North East and Yorkshire. The successful applicant will work with the Training Programme Director and Academic Lead to develop a configuration of research to clinical training conducive to both progression and academic output. The post is for up to 4 years (a minimum of 2 years) or until CCT/CCST is reached, whichever is sooner.
Successful exit from the academic training programme will leave you well-placed to seek competitive research fellowships, academic senior lectureships and the ability to work in the global health research community.
One post is available. The salary will be at the clinical scale, depending on qualifications and experience. Satisfactory enhanced disclosure will be obtained from the Disclosure and Barring Service. The Postgraduate Dean confirms that this placement/programme has the required educational and Dean's approval. The contract will be with the University of York.
This post is equally open to those who may, either from the outset or subsequently, wish to train less than full time (flexible training), if eligible, or job share. For further information on flexible training please contact NHS England North East and Yorkshire.
Applicants for this NIHR Clinical Lecturer need to either hold a current National Training Number (NTN) for the speciality, or be able to clinically benchmark to be able to take up the post. Clinical benchmarking can be achieved through application for the relevant specialty training within the national recruitment window where the minimal appointable score must be achieved.
Doctors appointed as an NIHR Clinical Lecturer must already hold a higher research degree (PhD, MD, or equivalent) by the time of interview, and be at a minimum of ST3 level of training. Candidates may only apply if they have already submitted their PhD or MD thesis at the time of application.
Applicants must be able to take up the appointment before 31st August 2025.
Interview Date: 16 May 2025
Informal enquiries may be addressed to Professor Richard Gale, Hull York Medical School,
Further information and details of how to apply can be found at:
NIHR Academic Training Programme Opportunities
The Hull York Medical School is an equal partnership between the universities of Hull and York. It operates in association with the NHS in North and East Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire. For further information about HYMS, visit