Job Profile To ensure that children/young people are consulted and participate in their looked after children reviews, conferences and meetings To ensure that children’s rights are adequately addressed Chair multi-agency looked after children reviews and child protection conferences ensuring that statutory processes/procedures are followed. To chair other meetings as and when required such as complex strategy meetings in defined circumstances. To ensure that the minutes and records of meetings are accurate, meet statutory and legal requirements and are available and distributed within the required timescales. To undertake management reviews of individual cases as and when required and to audit cases on themes identified to ensure quality and safety or practice. To provide independent and professional leadership around practice matters and provide advice to staff. To ensure duties are undertaken in a manner that promotes and values diversity and antidiscriminatory practice. 2 To be responsible for the decision making at conferences and reviews ensuring that there is a framework for reviewing compliance with the plans made. To cover the LADO function, as required. To challenge service decisions where necessary to fulfil an agreed care plan and to use statutory powers to escalate to senior management and external bodies where appropriate. To build and maintain relationships with key partners to improve outcomes for children. To create and maintain links with Social Work Team Managers and Assistant Team Managers in order to improve standards for children in care and children in need of protection and children in need. To develop, maintain and comply with efficient and effective systems to ensure compliance with procedures and recording systems. Undertake the required monitoring of processes within required timescales. To deliver training to a variety of audiences. To be an active member of the Quality Assurance and Review Service, contributing to service development and planning