Want a flexible job, working from home writing nice content that gets a few likes, then on to the next piece?
Yes? Then please apply for the job that appears after this one: we genuinely wish you all the best; this gig wont be for you.
Sorry to be so brash, but dealing with this now will save so much pain later.
Youll apply for the job, ace the interview, get the job, everything looks good for the first 6-8 weeks then we hit you with it:
Have we seen our community grow? If so, by how much?
How do we scale our subscribers faster?
Whats your data saying?
Whats the plan?
There are copywriters & content marketers who ... and there are those who .
And we need the latter - one who can fill in the blanks and demonstrate their prowess, crafting clever, smart and engaging content that grows our community every time. But above all else we need someone with a commercial mindset to join the dots between amazing content and revenue growth.
Can you turn words into Business Growth?
We want you to love the job and 100% revel in the success when your creativity, vision and passion for your craft is loved by thousands each week and then tens of thousands and then (well that would be incredible!).
We know life is tough and your brain might need a rest, so we are totally happy to offer flexible hours around life and family commitments. We are also ope...