To provide structured emotional and practical support for families and carers of people supported by the Early Intervention Service (EIS). To develop and co-facilitate groups and other opportunities for families and carers to connect with each other (e.g. EIS Relatives Group, educational groups, workshops for family members, etc.). You will collaborate with team colleagues from across the service in order to best support the needs and preferences of families, friends, and carers. To increase the engagement of families and carers with available support services. To refer families and carers on to specialist carer support services and make referrals to Adult Social Care Services, Department of Work and Pensions and other services as appropriate. To work with the EIS colleagues (e.g. systemic family therapists, clinical psychologists, CBT therapists, recovery workers) to consider the additional needs of wider support networks that may extend beyond families of origin. To include the needs of less formal social networks, e.g., non-residing partners, neighbours, work colleagues, friends etc. To support families and carers, and the EIS team more widely, in their understanding of the unique challenges and dilemmas that families and carers can face in supporting a loved one with severe and complex psychological difficulties including hearing voices, suspiciousness, and paranoia. To work with the team to engage families and carers from marginalised communities, particularly from under-represented communities, such as ethnically diverse groups, Gypsy, Roma Travellers, LGBTQI+ community etc. ensuring information and communication is appropriately adapted and culturally sensitive. To develop effective working relationships with key voluntary and statutory services. To understand and observe all safeguarding policies and procedures, specifically in relation to families and carers and the challenges they face. To be aware of and attend relevant seminars and teaching sessions around the wellbeing of families and carers. To ensure that electronic client records and other information systems are completed accurately and in-line with SHSC clinical and information governance policy. To lead on the achievement of targets for the recording and reporting of the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) of carer education and support in line with the National Clinical Audit of Psychosis (NCAP). To adhere to SHSC organisational policies and procedures relating to risk and personal safety. To participate in regular supervision, team meetings, and other meetings as required. To maintain appropriate professional boundaries at all times. To identify own training and development needs in conjunction with your line manager and participate in training opportunities as directed. To work autonomously, under pressure and within agreed deadlines To be able to act calmly in emergencies and to respond in a professional manner to behaviour or situations which may be stressful and challenging