The post holder will be responsible for leading the SCFT. They will oversee the care of up to 45 patient living in the community. The post holder will be expected to lead CPA meetings and conduct outpatient clinics and domiciliary visits, with the support of colleagues across Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes. The post holder will also oversee assessments completed by the SCFT, although these are often carried out by higher forensic speciality trainees. The post holder will also provide liaison to partner agencies and work closely with community mental health teams to achieve flow through forensic services. Cross cover is usually arranged with the other Forensic Consultants based at Marlborough House, although can come from other Consultants within the Thames Valley Forensic Mental Health Service. Management The post holder will be expected to contribute along with their consultant colleagues to the smooth running of the Forensic Service. This will include appropriate interaction with the management structures of the Division and the Trust as a whole. Supervision If interested and suitably approved, the post holder can supervise a speciality trainee. The Thames Valley Higher Forensic Training Scheme has six national training numbers, in addition to a dual Forensic and CAMHS post. The current Forensic Training Programme Director is Dr Hasanen Al Taiar. The Director of Medical Education is Dr Alastair Reid Education and Training Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust is a teaching Trust has close links to Oxford University. The Oxford University Department of Psychiatry is situated at the Warneford Hospital in Oxford. Further information may be obtained from the websites of the Oxford University Department of Psychiatry ( The department has an international reputation for medical teaching and as a centre for research and provides a wide range of academic opportunities. The post holder will be expected to take an active part in the training programme and teaching sessions. There is also the opportunity to contribute to training events within the Division. Medical students are placed in clinical settings for three-week blocks during their fifth year of study, and if the Consultant appointed is interested in medical student education this can occur with the SCFT. There are also opportunities to develop links with the University of Buckingham Medical School. The Consultant may also be expected to contribute to the development of other multi-disciplinary staff. Continuing Professional Development, Mentorship, Induction Continuing Professional Development is a requirement for all Trust consultants and consultants are expected to maintain good standing with the Royal College CPD programme. CPD is supported by the Trust including access to study leave and expenses for attending conferences etc. The post holder will attend Trust consultant meetings, and audit and academic events. They will maintain ongoing professional development through active membership of a PDP group and annual appraisal. Consultants new to the Trust are helped to identify a mentor; and suitable mentors will be nominated. Induction is arranged for all staff new to the Trust, through both the Trusts regular induction programme and in relation to the service with which they will work. Forensic psychiatry consultants meet monthly on a Wednesday for peer supervision, and quarterly to review PDP, and the successful applicant can join the group. There is a Forensic Psychiatry Academic Programme which runs during Oxford University Term time on a Wednesday afternoon. The successful applicant will be expected to both attend and contribute to this. The programme includes a visiting speaker component. In addition, there is a wide-ranging programme at the Department of psychiatry at the Warneford Hospital, Oxford on Tuesday mornings. Research & Audit It is expected that the post holder will contribute to service-related audit projects with the support of the multi-disciplinary team and Trust audit department. The TVFMHS is committed to working increasingly closely with Oxford University to develop academic forensic mental health. There is the opportunity to collaborate on research projects, with the forensic psychiatry department based at the Department of Psychiatry at the Warneford Hospital site in Oxford, led by Professor Seena Fazel. Mental Health Act Assessments The Consultant will be expected to be eligible for Section 12(2) approval under the Mental Health Act. The Trust will support obtaining Section 12 approval and Approved Clinician status if required. On-Call Responsibilities The post holder will join the Forensic Consultant On-Call rota. The current frequency of on-calls is 1 in 12 low intensity (category B) low frequency, banded at 1.0%. The On-Call rota is exclusively for Forensic Psychiatry and covers the Thames Valley region. Job Planning The consultant will participate in annual Job planning with the Forensic Associate Medical Director. There would be a job plan review involving bilateral consultation and negotiation in the event of any change to the job content or workload. Annual appraisal will be completed under the Trust appraisal process. The Consultant will ensure they are fit for revalidation. The exact nature of the timetable will be agreed with the successful applicant by the Clinical Lead. The split of direct clinical care to supporting professional activities will be 7.5 to 2.5 on a pro rata basis. SPA time is expected to include special interest clinical activities, CPD, peer group, teaching / training / supervision, governance and audit, service development / management / business planning, research and academia. Appropriately qualified applicants interested in this post are encouraged to contact: Dr Robert Cornish, Associate Medical Director / Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist, Oxford Clinic, Littlemore Mental Health Centre, Sandford Road, Littlemore, Oxford, OX4 4XN (01865 902610)