1. To work collaboratively with the Smoking Cessation team and service users. 2. Manage and maintain a caseload of clients, that meet the eligibility criteria for Pharmacotherapies as initially identified by the smoking cessation team.
3. Fully assess the clients eligibility and suitability to use pharmacotherapy, by speaking to the client and using information on the clients clinical record. 4. Explain the material risk and benefits associated with the medication in a way that the patient understands.
5. Use up to date information about the availability, pack sizes and storage conditions. 6. Effectively and securely communicate information to other healthcare professionals and colleagues involved in the patients care as and when necessary, with regards to ongoing support and treatment.
7. Check the clients understanding of the discussions had, actions needed and their commitment to their treatment management plan. 8. Electronically generate prescription for the supply of the suitable pharmacotherapy and forward to clients chosen pharmacy.
9. To contribute to the monitoring and evaluation of the service, including the completion of the required data set. This will include following up clients who do not engage with support and identifying cohorts with multiple risk factors and most at risk. 10.
Ensure that patient related documentation is entered into electronic health records with high degree of accuracy and completeness. 11. Work with managers and with IT support to maintain data quality and make improvements to data collection where necessary. 12.
Assist with the induction process for new staff, as the service expands. 13. To manage own time and priorities in providing service. 14.
To undertake any other reasonable tasks as determined by managers and Connect team colleagues. 15. To ensure confidentiality and security of patient data is always maintained in compliance with the Data Protection Act. 16.
To ensure confidentiality of staff, patients and carers is maintained in line with organisations policy. 17. To support safe and effective team practices. 18.
To work closely with team members to provide a flexible service and be willing to assist other staff as and when required. 19. To work as a member of a team communicating effectively regarding work capacity and pressures ensuring the smooth running of service provision. To raise with the line manager any barriers to safe and effective working.
20. To attend all mandatory training courses required and comply with health and safety regulations as part of personal development, ensure all professional qualifications are kept up to date, along with system training and Personal Development Reviews (PDR/Appraisals).