Title: Media and Creative Media Lecturers
Location: Rotherham and Surrounding Areas
Pay: £23 - £35 per hour / £27k+
Duration: Temporary or Permanent
Reed - Further Education work with clients in the Yorkshire and North east area and are always on the lookout for Art and Design Lecturers to teach a GCSE / BTEC / A Level / Access to HE or higher in Media, Journalism, Broadcasting, Digital Marketing, Advertising, Film and TV Production, Photography, Animation and Visual Effects, Sound Engineering, Content Creation, Media Design, Creative Media, Games Design or a combination of all.
What’s the day-to-day responsibilities of a Media and Creative Media Lecturer?
1. Plan, prepare and develop schemes of work, session plans, teaching and learning resources, learning and assessment plans.
2. Deliver and assess essential knowledge and understanding to learners.
3. Plan, prepare and develop effective schemes of work, lesson plans, teaching and learning resources including the development of on-line learning resources for identified modules.
4. Deliver inspiring sessions across the curriculum using a wide range of teaching methods for identified modules.
5. Assess student work, provide constructive and timely feedback to motivate and inspire the learner to improve and record learners’ progress for identified modules.