To provide expertise and specialist psychological advice, guidance and consultation to other ensure accurate formulations, reflecting an in-depth causal understanding, diagnosis and treatment plan. To ensure that all members of relevant teams and services have access to a psychologically based framework for the understanding and care of clients of the service, through the provision of advice and consultation and the dissemination of psychological knowledge, research and theory. To undertake risk assessment and risk management for relevant individual clients and to provide both general and specialist consultation and advice for other professionals on psychological aspects of risk assessment and management. To act as designated care co-ordinator, in appropriate cases, ensuring the provision of a -ordinating the work of others involved the client, his/her family and all others involved in care; and to monitor progress during the course of multi-disciplinary interventions. To communicate in a highly skilled and sensitive manner, information concerning the assessment, formulation which includes making available an explanation of how the problem developed, an indication of what maintains the problem and factors which may guide treatment options for clients under their care and to monitor and evaluate progress during the course of both uni- and multi-disciplinary care. To provide expertise and advice to facilitate the effective and appropriate provision of psychological care by all members of the team. To provide expert consultation and opinion about the psychological care of the client group to staff and agencies outside the HCS area.