The post holder will work within their clinical competencies as part of a multi-disciplinary team to provide expertise in clinical medicines management. Responsibilities include:
1. Providing face-to-face structured medication reviews.
2. Managing long-term conditions and medicines on transfer of care.
3. Implementing systems for safer prescribing.
4. Managing repeat prescription authorisations and reauthorisations.
5. Handling acute prescription requests.
6. Addressing public health and social care needs of patients in the GP practice(s) that make up the PCN.
7. Conducting face-to-face medication reviews for patients with polypharmacy, especially for older people, those in residential care homes, and individuals with multiple co-morbidities.
8. Providing leadership on quality improvement and clinical audit.
9. Managing some aspects of the Quality and Outcomes Framework.
This role is pivotal to improving the quality of care and operational efficiencies, requiring motivation and passion to deliver an excellent service within general practice.
The post holder will be supported to develop their role to become a non-medical prescriber, if that qualification is not already held.