Senior Teaching Associate — MRC Biostatistics Unit, University of Cambridge
Jan 11, 2024
We are recruiting a Senior Teaching Associate (40 – 60% FTE) with experience of supporting, developing and delivering engaging, challenging and effective post-graduate education in population health sciences. The role will support the delivery of courses covering epidemiology, biostatistics and infectious diseases for the Masters of Philosophy in Population Health Sciences (MPhil in PHS). The successful candidate will have graduate level subject matter knowledge in a wide range of topics from epidemiology, biostatistics or infectious disease modelling and experience of programming in R / R Studio.
Essential criteria for appointment include:
1. PhD in a relevant quantitative topic (e.g. epidemiology, biostatistics, health data science, infectious disease modelling, computer science or applied mathematics)
2. Ability to develop and encourage the commitment to learn in others and to present material to a range of audiences
3. Ability to provide pastoral assistance to students
4. Highly advanced knowledge of teaching of a particular subject relevant to the course involving a critical understanding of relevant theory and/or principles outside of the immediate specialism
5. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
6. Excellent organisational skills
7. Ability to work collaboratively and to quickly develop strong relationships and networks with colleagues
8. Proven academic interest and professional experience in the field
9. Experience of proposing, supervising and assessing masters-level dissertation projects in relevant topics
10. Track record of successful development and delivery of engaging, challenging and effective teaching at masters level in relevant topics
11. Experience of working across a range of relevant disciplines
12. Previous confirmed experience of organisation, management, leadership, communication and programme development
13. Experience of setting and assessing authentic masters-level assessment in relevant topics
14. Experience of supporting students from diverse backgrounds to become self-regulated learners
15. Specialist knowledge in relevant topics
16. Knowledge of a variety of teaching delivery and assessment methods
17. Ability to draw from a broad range of disciplines and knowledge sources relevant to population health sciences
18. Commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion in teaching
19. Commitment to widening participation agendas in student recruitment
The funds for this post are initially available for 2 years from commencement in post.
The MRC Biostatistics Unit is one of Europe’s leading biostatistics research institutions. Our focus is to deliver new analytical and computational strategies based on sound statistical principles for the challenging tasks facing biomedicine and public health.