My clients are looking for a Registered Manager for their Sheringham Children's Home Job Purpose: To provide leadership and management to deliver positive outcomes for children and young peopleacross all areas of their development. To achieve this by managing the home as a whole, using allresources to create a positive, inclusive environment in which children and young people thrive. To take responsibility for leading and managing two solo therapeutic services by creating anenvironment to enable positive, safe, healing relationships. To build and lead a team who are trauma informed practitioners meeting the needs of youngpeople who may have experienced multiple placement breakdowns. Main Tasks and Responsibilities:Managing delivery:· Listening to and respecting all individuals· Working in an inclusive way· Doing the right thing· Making a difference· Being optimistic· Inspiring and creating hope· To ensure that staff deliver positive, sensitive care to the children and young people in the home inaccordance with my clients values, legislation, policies, and procedures as laid out in the Statement ofPurpose· To oversee the management of sound childcare practices and ensure that high professional standardsare maintained within available resources.· Manage a home that meets, respects and affirms children’s physical, emotional, identity, cultural,religious and educational needs in accordance with their plans for care· To work effectively with Ofsted and within regulations to ensure the home delivers the higheststandard of care.· Lead a team which encourages children and young people to develop a positive sense of self andindividual identity.· To oversee and contribute to the evaluation and management of risk and the protection of youngpeople from harm, including the provision of a safe and stimulating living environment and teachingchildren and young people to become ‘risk competent’.· To ensure positive behaviour is encouraged and manage any challenging behaviour in accordance withlegislative and organisational policy and practice requirements.· To build networks of support with professionals including police, social workers, mental health supportworkers, educationalists alongside Commissioners and LA decision makers.· To deliver services within a children’s rights framework and support the team in understanding,respecting and actively promoting children’s rights and their right to participate in the decisions intheir lives and the running of their home.· To ensure that the service works with professionals around the young people placed to build robustplans to support the placement whilst the young person is experiencing crisis.· To provide management oversight and support during safeguarding incidents and responding toincidents with clear action plans.· Work in partnership with young people, their family and friends, colleagues and other agencies toachieve the best possible outcomes for children and young people – including supporting youngpeople to express their views in all forums.· To promote effective internal and external communication.· To contribute to the management and development of residential services as a member of the CareManagement team. Managing Resources:· To oversee and contribute to the effective and efficient use of physical and financial resources incompliance with financial and other procedures and regulations.· To contribute to the efficient deployment of staff through effective rota management and ensuringsystems are maintained in respect of monitoring annual leave, sickness absence, training and otherrelated matters. Managing People:· To manage the recruitment, selection and induction of staff in accordance with the saferrecruitment procedures.· To provide effective support to staff, including providing advice and guidance, reflective supervisionand annual appraisals· To contribute to identifying and reviewing the training and development needs of staff.· To manage performance related issues as required and in accordance with policy.· To take responsibility for own learning and professional development throughparticipation in Children’s Home Manager meetings, reflective supervision and undertaking training.Promote and enforce the Health and Safety and risk management policies and maintain safeworking practices for self and others.· To work with other services to ensure that they are given the right resources, skills and knowledge to work effectively and resiliently with theyoung people placed. If you are a Registered Manager of a Residential Children's Home and you wish to find out more about this rewarding role please call Bryony Williams on or e mail