4. 1 Main Duties and Programmed Activities Except in emergencies or where otherwise agreed with your clinical manager, you are responsible for fulfilling the duties and responsibilities and undertaking the programmed activities set out in your Job Plan, as reviewed annually and in line with the provisions described. 4.2 Associated Duties You are responsible for the associated duties set out in schedule 2 of the Terms and Conditions. These include amongst other things a requirement to: - Collaborate with colleagues in primary and secondary care to implement protocols for the management of patients. Keep up to date with the developments in the specialty. It is expected that active consideration will be given to existing technologies in terms of cost effectiveness. In addition, the use of the new techniques where they can be justified clinically will be encouraged. Conforming to state of the art advances will ultimately depend on other priorities within the total unit. Contribute to post-graduate and continuing medical education. The Trust supports the requirement of CME/CDP as laid down by the Royal College of Anaesthetists and is committed to providing time and financial support for these activities. 4.3 On Call Duties and Emergency Responses As above, on call duties are formed as part of a rota that currently runs on a 1 in 11 basis. This includes weekday and weekend on call commitments. Provision out of hours is required for the cardiothoracic intensive care unit, theatres, and the Catheter labs.