Role Summary
HCRG Care Ltd, company number 5466033 registered in England and Wales at The Heath Business and Technical Park, Runcorn, Cheshire WA7 4QX
Job title: School Nurse (SCPHN) Specialist Support Team (Band 6)
Job purpose: To deliver high quality safeguarding practice throughout the journey of the child or young person that embraces prevention of maltreatment and minimises the risk of significant harm. To work collaboratively within the organisation and across agencies, with children and young people to form partnerships and working arrangements that promote safeguarding. To be a competent, knowledgeable and visible practitioner within safeguarding ensuring the provision of high-quality evidence-based service, for children and young people.
Key responsibilities:
1. To act as public health lead for the School Nursing Specialist Support skill mix team for a cohort of our most vulnerable children subject to Child Protection and Child in Need plans, within the defined school-community area, assessing health needs and identifying and implementing appropriate interventions utilising the skills of, and delegating to, the skill mix team.
2. To provide school age children/young people and their families with a service that promotes the physical, mental and emotional health and provides support for families/carers by partnership working in a community setting.
3. To understand the concept of Clinical Governance and be skilled in the identification, assessment and protection of vulnerable children and families.
4. To exhibit excellence in the standards for Specialist Community Public Health Nursing/School Nursing practice, and to be an effective teacher and role model for others to aspire to.
5. To develop the Specialist Support School Nursing Service in the defined locality through proactive leadership and innovative practice to meet health and safeguarding needs.
6. To ensure a child-centred service is delivered through active engagement with young people in the planning and delivery of the service in the locality area.
7. Adhere to and support the implementation of the clinical duty processes, as per local agreements.
8. To have current and up to date awareness of the children and young people’s public health agenda and work in partnership with other agencies to improve the health and safeguarding needs of school-aged children.
9. To have current and up to date knowledge and awareness of Safeguarding Children including national policies and local safeguarding arrangements including CSAP.
10. Contribute to the on-going development of a robust strategy for the Specialist School Nursing Team in response to the demonstrated need of the children and young people and to the directives of national and local safeguarding initiatives.
11. To be responsible for the assessment of children’s health needs so as to identify any deviation from normal development in line with child protection practice.
12. Contribute to the provision of reports, including Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews, etc using whichever methodology is agreed by the Children’s Safeguarding Assurance Partnership.
13. To promote healthy lifestyles and child and adolescent mental health through consultations, opportunistic discussions and family support.
14. To take an active part in multi-agency discussions as an advocate for children/young people, families/carers and the school health service.
15. To support vulnerable children and adolescents through proactive discussions with families, schools, other agencies, attendance at Child Protection Conferences and one-to-one discussions.
16. To contribute to multi-agency assessment of children and young people and take on the lead professional role.
17. To manage an identified caseload comprising of secondary and primary schools.
18. Deliver targeted health interventions following specific care pathways in response to identified need.
19. Provide coordination of and participate in relevant meetings, reporting attendance and providing information and support where requested. This includes attendance and contributing at interagency statutory safeguarding meetings where required.
20. To keep accurate, comprehensive and contemporaneous records and reports and ensure high standards of record keeping within the team.
21. To deputise for the Complex Safeguarding Nurse – Specialist Support Team Manager as required.
22. To participate in supervision and appraisals and take responsibility for own professional development.
23. Undertake statutory and mandatory and other training as required.
24. To be trauma aware and have an understanding of the principles of the trauma-informed approach to care and the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences on children, young people and adults.
25. To develop a specialty within own working practice and act as a resource and lead to other school nurses through project development requiring further training.
26. To support junior members of staff and students, promoting and monitoring best practice.
27. To provide management and leadership to School Health Support Workers and Band 5 School Staff Nurses including allocation meetings, delegation of schools and caseloads and caseload monitoring and support.