As a Level 8 (AfC Band 6 equivalent) Health Visitor, you'll be part of our valued team at Southend City Council. You will lead the delivery of the Healthy Child Programme, ensuring services are provided within the tiered model approach Building Community Capacity, Universal, Targeted, and Specialist. To promote the health of all children and young people, especially those from disadvantaged groups, to ensure they are offered the opportunity to achieve optimum development. To Identify, prioritise, develop, and implement programmes of care to meet individual and local needs. This will be achieved through evidence-based assessments, effective care planning and implementation of a range of support packages for individual families, targeting the most vulnerable families and groups utilising best available evidence. Work in accordance with the commissioned service specification, to ensure the 5 mandated reviews, plus an additional 3-5 month contact, are completed within required timescales, services provided are evidence-based. To clinically interpret information, analyse and identify appropriate individual plans of care in line with Universal, Targeted and Specialist cases within the Health Visiting caseload. To appropriately delegate and supervise workload within the skill mix team in line with service operating procedures and competency frameworks. To provide expert advice, support and interventions to all families with children in the first years of life. To identify the needs of individual children, parents and families (including safeguarding needs) and refer or direct them to existing local services, thereby promoting early intervention. To operate within Children, Young People and Families Public Health Services Child Safeguarding Policies, Standards and Procedures, recognising and taking appropriate action in relation to children where there is suspicion of abuse. To participate in strategy meetings, case conferences, providing reports as required and to have clinical and safeguarding supervision as per policy for Safeguarding children. Liaise and maintain good working relationships with statutory and voluntary agencies whilst making referrals and consulting as necessary. Please see attached job description for further information.