£24,404 -£28,624 + Excellentbenefits
ThoseHuge SmallVictories
Forchildren with complex, challenging needs, the level of care andeducation must go above and beyond. That’s what drives us, here atWitherslack Group. With our high staff-to-child ratio and in-houseclinical teams, we’re proud to have won a reputation for excellenceand market leading OFSTEDratings.
Getout what you putin
As a PastoralSupport Assistant you’ll help us meet our young peoples’ emotionalneeds. Our young people have challenging complex emotional andbehavioural needs [Autistic Spectrum Disorder/Social,Emotional and Mental Health] and need more supportthan most. You’ll make sure they get it by applying high standardsof care. It means working with families and developing programs foreach individual young person. With careful assessment and planning,you’ll create a positive learning environment where every youngperson can thrive.
Withexperience working with young people with BESD or ASD in a schoolor care setting you will understand our young peoples developmentalneeds and what pastoral care entails. A good listener who canmotivate and work in a team, you inspire young people to achieve.Flexibility and good organizational skills mean you’ll be an assetto the WitherslackGroup.
Oneof the best environments inSEND
PontvilleSchool is an independent specialist day & residential schoolproviding high quality education. With a record of continualoutstanding and good Ofsted results, the school based in Ormskirkis regarded by many as the first choice for speech, language andsocial communication in theUK.
Whatwe do for you
Weknow you’re going to do great things. For your hard work andcommitment, we reward you with the best salary and benefits packagein the education sector. With us, you’ll get to bring learning tolife and make a genuine difference to the lives of our young people– plus you’llget:
* Training:A full induction and on the jobtraining
* Holiday:You’ll work hard at WG, so you’ll be rewarded with fullschoolholidays
* Progression:If career development is your thing, most of our head teachers andleaders have been promoted from within ourgroup
* Flexiblebenefits: meaning you can increase/decrease benefits suchas life insurance – check out our benefits here
* Wellbeing:a host of wellbeing tools and advice including employeeassistance
* Medicalcover so you can claim back the cost of things like anopticians or dentist appointment and a host of high-streetdiscounts
* Beautifulworking environments with the very best facilities –check out our schools here
* Arecommend a friend scheme that offers a £1,000 bonus everytime
* Contributorypension scheme – matched up to5%
Bringyour whole-self towork
Our youngpeople come from all walks of life, diverse backgrounds and withdifferent needs – and our workforce reflects that diversity, sothat our teams can engage, encourage and inspire our young peopleto be themselves. You’ll be more than a Pastoral Assistant,you’ll be able to connect with our pupils becauseof:
* Previous experience withASC, ADHD or SEMH pupils and with working with families inchallenging circumstances and expertise to support and resolvedifficulties
* Experience ofmulti-agency work with an understanding of legislation, policiesand guidance around safeguarding and childprotection
* Ideally - NVQ 3in Care/Level 2 Teaching AssistantQualification
Interestedin joining us?
Ouryoung people deserve the best possible future and we feel the sameabout our teams. You deserve to have the career you want, with apurpose-led employer, in an environment that allows you to beyourself.
TheWitherslack Group is committed to safeguarding and promoting thewelfare of its young people. This post is subject to an enhancedDBS check (we will cover the cost) and an online search. We are anequal opportunities employer welcoming applications from allsections of the community.
Fora full job description and person specification, please see theattacheddocument.
Fora full job description and person specification, please click here .
Toview our ex-offenders policy please click here.
Toview our Child Protection Policy, please visit the 'Parents andCarers' section of this School/Learning centre. You can find allour Schools here.
SpecialEducation / Careers in Care / Careers in Special Education /Working with Children / SEMH / SEN /ASD