Planning Obligations Monitoring Officer - Interims
Posted On 03/02/2025
Job Information
Work Experience: 1-3 years
Public Sector and Government
City: Swindon
Province: Wiltshire
Postal Code: SN1
Job Description
6 months contract with a Local Authority
Job Summary:
• To provide senior level scrutiny and accountability to the monitoring, collection and spend of developer obligations and contributions ensuring the council’s planning functions are positioned in a customer-focused and solutions-led way creating the right conditions for accelerating high-quality development and supporting sustainable growth in Swindon.
• To build trust and confidence with external parish partners ensuring local infrastructure needs are recognised and brought forward (where appropriate) into borough-wide strategic infrastructure delivery plans.
• Through your manager, support the Chief Planning Officer to unlock planning barriers and provide the appropriate policy context to support key regeneration projects, transform the town centre and support the councils emerging new ways of localities working.
Key Duties/Accountabilities (Sample):
• Strive to position planning services as the growth engine to unlock activity that contributes to the local economy through the delivery of new housing and strategically important economic development initiatives, including liaison with external agencies.
• Manage, maintain, and develop systems for the administration, recording, collection, spending, monitoring, and reporting of CIL revenue and S106 financial and non-financial obligations.
• Administer the Councils S106 policy, including validation and verification of forms; securing invoicing and payment of planning obligations; monitoring of development to ensure it accords with agreed liability; monitoring of spend and enforcement where necessary.
• Fully utilise IT systems in the delivery and regular monitoring of an effective and efficient Community Infrastructure Levy and S106 agreement administrative service through appropriate IT and supplier liaison and employee training, whilst maintaining data integrity.
• Prepare monthly reports on monies raised, spend profiles, the projects for and outcomes of spend as well as the identification of the infrastructure and S106 items delivered.
• Provide and check accuracy and reliability of relevant information as part of the Authority Monitoring Report and Infrastructure Funding Statement and keep fully up to date with Government announcements and statements.
• Work closely with the Planning Policy Team to ensure alignment of infrastructure planning with planning policy documents.
• Co-ordinate cross-council stakeholders to ensure that competing funding requirements are managed and reflect corporate priorities.
• Ensure that the culture, behaviours and shared values that make the Council successful are embedded across the service.
• Supervise junior planning officers, undertaking appraisals and regular 121s, to ensure best value is achieved and performance targets are attained.
Supplementary Accountabilities:
• Be a lead technical officer on senior level aspects of the coordination of developer obligations, CIL and associated infrastructure.
• Be commercially aware and recognise the impacts of your day-to-day work in unlocking and supporting development.
• Embed and maintain rigour of key service performance indicators and planning outputs which exceed national and local targets.
• Provide clear direction and a motivational and inspirational environment for teams and individuals to develop.
• Lead on and deal with enquiries on CIL and S106 (monitoring) including from elected Members, the local community and representatives of development interests.
• Promote the Councils policies and procedures for good records management.
• Substantial knowledge and experience in the following areas:
• Proven understanding of the regulations and legislation relating to the CIL and Section 106 processes.
• Experience of senior level policy creation to achieve successful outcomes within a Local Authority environment.
• A thorough knowledge of UK planning legislation, policy and guidance.
• ICT and financial literate, including use of MS Office applications and finance software packages.
• Experience of supporting decision makers, including Councillors and statutory consultees.
• Experience of working with existing, new and emerging statute and using statutory processes innovatively.
• Educated to degree level or equivalent qualification with relevant post-graduate experience.
• (Postgraduate MA or Diploma in Town Planning is desirable but not essential)
• Membership (or eligibility for membership) of the RTPI/CFA is desirable but not essential.
• Ability to make effective decisions quickly and act on own initiative to resolve problems.
• Ability to assess and manage risk commensurate to the scope of the post.
• Creativity and Innovation in contributing to the continual review of the planning function.
• Support creative solutions to Council-wide issues and take action to implement them.