Beaumont College is a very special place. We provide highly personalised pathways for special school leavers, and we support them in the journey to become adults, and to live independent and fulfilling lives as far as possible. Many students attend college as a residents students. College Support Workers work directly with students, and developing the insight, skills and competencies to support students to thrive as young adults. Students are all special school leavers, with ambitious visions for busy fulfilling lives at and beyond college. Students are considered to have special educational needs and disabilities. Our students follow a pathway relevant to their starting points, and student support workers can develop specialist knowledge behaviours and skills in working with individuals who have complex, multiple and profound disabilities, through to those who aspire to gain paid or voluntary employment. As a specialist post-16 college setting with residential accommodation, we have a wide range of health professionals including nurses, occupational therapists, speech and language specialists, physiotherapists and eating and drinking specialists, along with an ethos to support and promote positive behaviours. Residential College Support Workers work with teachers, tutors and health professionals to extend learning into living. The goal is resilient graduates, who are confident as young adults and believe in themselves; they show this through reduced reliance on others and through self-advocacy. Ourstudents enjoy learning and they love our college, so we do have a lot to smileabout. We are a close knit team and would welcome new colleagues to be part ofthis enabling, empowering and equipping world of supporting students to fulfiltheir potential. About You About The Role Our students enjoy learning and they love our college, so we do have a lot to smile about. We are a close knit team and would welcome new colleagues to be part of this enabling, empowering and equipping world of supporting students to fulfil their potential. Job Responsibilities: This document outlines the duties required at the current time to indicate the level of responsibility. It is not a comprehensive or exhaustive list and may vary to include other reasonable requests as directed by Beaumont College Managers which do not change the general character of the job or the level of responsibility entailed. To provide high quality personal care and support in accordance with the individual’s needs and preferences as stated in their care and support plan. Provide support and work in an environment that promotes and demonstrates dignity and respect at all times. Provide intimate personal care, where required following robust care plans and protocols which are highly personalised to the individual student. Attend and take responsibility for actions in shift handovers Be trained to deliver delegated health care tasks which include the administration of medication, at a person centred level To safeguard the health and wellbeing and safety of our students and to immediately report any concerns in line with Salutem and Beaumont College policies and procedures. Develop effective communication and interaction skills to ensure students are heard, listened to and understood. Use professional judgements and follow care and support plans to respond to student’s needs appropriately. Support and enable students to participate in college and community life promoting accessible strategies, inclusivity and social models of disability at all times. This includes supporting students in educational activities both within teaching sessions in college and in the community and in their free time to undertake their hobbies and interests. Develop skills and demonstrate effective communication in order to ensure that we understand the needs of our students, families and colleagues including multi-disciplinary working and the organisation so that there are no mistakes in implementing agreed support plans and procedures. Support students to deal with changing circumstances in order to make sure that they can enjoy a full and productive life free of fear and in line with their needs wishes and beliefs. Access additional training to create a capable and positive environment to promote positive behaviours. Follow personalised positive behaviour plans to minimise risks of escalated behaviours and promote a calm and productive culture to support learners to learn. Promote opportunities and enable students to play a full role in the college and their community through supporting them to maintain their personal levels of hygiene and maximising their comfort and ability. Follow organisational policies and procedures to ensure that the environment is safe, secure and clean in order to make sure that the risk to students, families and colleagues is minimised. To comply by and work within the policies, procedures and the codes of conduct applicable to Salutem and Beaumont College. Work as individually and as a member of a team in order to develop good working practices, peer support for colleagues and in term a positive ethos and culture for students. This is an indicative job description and should not be seen as all encompassing, and the post holder will be expected to undertake any other responsibilities appropriate to the post as identified by the company.