Please note: The information displayed on each job vacancy is received directly from the named employer. Whilst we (Grŵp Llandrillo Menai) make every effort to ensure they comply with equality and diversity guidelines, we are not responsible for any errors or omissions in the wording used.
Cylch Meithrin Mynydd Llandygai is looking for a dedicated and friendly Leader to join the team in all aspects of the Cylch’s work.
We are passionate about giving children the best start and therefore seek to provide the highest standard in early years experiences for all children in our care. We believe that all children in Wales have the right to Welsh-medium Education.
As a parent, we are aware of how important it is for you to feel that you are choosing the best education for your child, and so your child will receive the best care and education at our Cylch Meithrin. Welsh is the language in our Cylch Meithrin and we give a warm welcome to all children, no matter what language is spoken in the home.
A suitable recognised early years qualification is essential at Level 3 or above, together with relevant experience to take care of the Cylch. He/she should be fluent in Welsh or a learner who has completed Intermediate or Advanced level in Welsh.
The position to start: January 2025, but can be flexible, and if you can only start later, you are welcome to apply.
Interview date: Week commencing 2nd December.
Hours: Opening hours of the Cylch: 8:40-11:40, 5 days a week, with a final 7.5 additional hours to complete administrative work.
Salary: £14.50 per hour
How to apply
For further details please contact Claire: 07921 197530 -