The Bishop of Newcastle wishes to appoint a full-time priest to the Benefice of Cowpen St Benedict in Blyth.
This post is a new partnership between the Additional Curates Society and Newcastle Diocese, initially for three years, to revitalise the Christian community in the Cowpen estate which forms part of the town of Blyth. The community is set within the historic context of Northumberland’s Christian and industrial heritage, yet focussed on contemporary challenges including deprivation and social inclusion. There are great opportunities in the role the church still plays at times of celebration, grief and change.
The people of St Benedict’s are praying for an energetic, courageous priest, willing to engage with people and communicate the Gospel to different ages groups in ways that brings the Word alive in their daily lives. The PCC have asked for extended episcopal care from the Bishop of Beverley.
The church building is modern and well placed, with a great community garden space. Whilst the post is initially for three years there is a strong commitment from the diocese and ACS to support mission and ministry in the parish and build on work begun in this initial three-year period. There are also growing relationships with neighbouring parishes across the town.
This is an opportunity for an energetic, entrepreneurial priest to build something from the ground up and see innovative ideas turn into concrete action – to discern where God is already at work and to join in and work with the Spirit to share faith and be part of building the Kingdom in Blyth.
The Bishop of Beverley writes: Thank you for your willingness to consider Cowpen St Benedict as the next phase in your priestly ministry. This is a role with enormous potential for both the priest and people of the parish. The Diocese of Newcastle, in partnership with the Additional Curates Society, is committed to supporting mission and renewal in Cowpen and will provide all appropriate support, as will I as in my capacity as Bishop of Beverley. Do be in touch if you would like a conversation with me as you pray about your future ministry