The purpose of this role is to support andassistin the implementation of the marketingandPRplanforUniversityHospitalsDorsetNHSCharitytosupport the increase of donations and grants in line with the Fundraising strategy.
Specifically the post holder's focuswillbetoworkwithandundertheguidance of the Senior Communications Officer in the design, implementation and management of the charity's marketing and PR activity; supporting the delivery of effective marketing campaigns, ensure the charity's website is up to date and relevant, create content and updatesocialmedia channels,produceengagingcopy,designmarketingmaterialsandsupportwithPRactivity.
Location: Royal Bournemouth Hospital
Interview Date: 4th April 2025
• Toworkasdirectedbythe Senior Communications/Marketing and PROfficer,managing ownworkload relating to marketing and PR activity for the Charity.
• To at alltimes;actasa rolemodel,representingthe visionandvaluesoftheTrust.
• To maintaineffective working relationships with other members of the Fundraising Team, CommunicationsTeam,FinanceandBusinessIntelligenceDirectorate,ClinicalManagementTeams, Fund Holders, and other Trust staff, actively responding to their needs and supporting them to raise andutilisecharitable donations for the benefit of patients and staff.
Our values define who we are as #TeamUHD. They underpin everything we do now and in the future. They define how we treat our patients, visitors, and each other, our valued teammates and colleagues.
UHD are investing in services across the Trust, with many being transformed and developed following merger and the New Hospital Programme.
This means that some services may move site this year or next, either temporarily or long term. Recruiting Managers interviewing for this role will be happy to answer any specific questions that you have about this at interview.
• To supportandassistinthe implementation of themarketingandPR planfor University Hospitals Dorset Charityand itssubbrandsto supportthe incomegenerationobjectivesasdescribed inthe Fundraising Strategy.
• Generate creative, engaging and well writtencontent for all digital communications including the charity website, social media accounts on Facebook, LinkedIn etc., and email marketing. With responsibilityfortheday-to-dayeditingandmaintenance ofalldigitalchannelsensuringthatcontent is regularly reviewed and updated and to provide reports on their performance.
• Supporttheproductionand creationof regularinternalcommunications,ensuring allstakeholders including staff and volunteers are kept aware of fundraising news.
• Produceengaging relevantcopyforcommunications, casestudiesandpressreleasesandissue asrequired.
• Respondto mediaenquiries, redirectingthemasappropriateandprovidingfurtherinformationasnecessary.
• Helpmaintainexcellentrelationshipswithmediacontactstoensuremaximisationofsupportforthe Hospital Charity.
• Maintaina comprehensivephotolibraryfortheCharityTeam.
• Monitorpresscoverageforthe CharityTeamwithregard tocharitysupportacrossourcatchmentarea and report on this regularly.
• Produceprofessionalmarketingpublicity,literatureandmaterials,designingmaterialsandliaisingwith external suppliers to obtain competitive quotes for design and print services.
• EnsurethebrandingforUniversityHospitalDorsetNHSCharityanditssubbrandsareconsistent across all marketing collateral, promoting effective use of the Charity's identity both internally and externally.
• To create and develop marketing materials and communications in conjunction with the SeniorCommunications/Marketing and PR Officerandthe widerfundraising teamtosupportfundraising activity across all marketing streams.
• To liaise with the Trust's Film Production Officer to produceshortfilmsforpromotionaluse.
• To arrangemeetingsandkeep recordsof such,followupactionsandmarketingandPRactivity.
• Provide web and social media training where required.
This advert closes on Sunday 23 Mar 2025
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