Thepostholderwillberesponsibleforprovidinggeneraladministrationsupport totheEstatesDepartment,showingadegreeofinitiativeandanabilitytoorganisetheirdaytodayworkload.
· Dealingwithtelephone,Docketline&emailenquiries,takingandpassingonmessagesanddrawingthesetotheattentionoftherelevantpersonorteampromptly.
· Signincontractorsandissuekeysandpasses
· Ensurecontractorsworkingonsitehavecarriedoutthesiteinduction(contractorspassport)
· SigninvisitorstotheEstatesDept.
· Generalofficeadministration,managingelectronicfilingsystems
· Ensurethatallstatutoryrecordsandtestsheetsarefiledcorrectly.
· Accuratedataentrybasedoninformationprovidedbyothers.
· RaiseordersattherequestofEstatesManagersandSupervisors.
· Checkinvoicesagainstpurchaseorders.
· Organisingmeetings,preparingagendas,printingandtypingofminutesDiarymanagementforEstatesManagersandSupervisors
· Use,updateandmaintaintheEstatescomputeraidedfacilitiesmanagementSystem(PlanetFM).
· Provide supportand carry outother duties asmay reasonably be required by their lineManager
Our values define who we are as #TeamUHD. They underpin everything we do now and in the future. They define how we treat our patients, visitors, and each other, our valued teammates and colleagues.
UHD are investing in services across the Trust, with many being transformed and developed following merger and the New Hospital Programme.
This means that some services may move site this year or next, either temporarily or long term. Recruiting Managers interviewing for this role will be happy to answer any specific questions that you have about this at interview.
Full details of the job description and person specification can be found in the attached documents to this advert. Please refer to the requirements described in the particulars of the role.
This advert closes on Thursday 3 Apr 2025
Proud member of the Disability Confident employer scheme
Disability Confident
About Disability Confident
A Disability Confident employer will generally offer an interview to any applicant that declares they have a disability and meets the minimum criteria for the job as defined by the employer. It is important to note that in certain recruitment situations such as high-volume, seasonal and high-peak times, the employer may wish to limit the overall numbers of interviews offered to both disabled people and non-disabled people. For more details please go to Disability Confident .