Carry out work in accordance with current legislation, codes of practice and best practice guidance Work safely observing the Trust and departments Health and Safety Policies and procedures. Work efficiently using technology to work within Service Level agreements and Key performance Indicators. Carry out tasks and communicate failures and non-conformities to line manager. To act in a professional manner when undertaking tasks and duties in contact with Patients, Visitors, contractors and staff. Contribute to the development of the CAFM systems ensuring relevant records are kept up to date and readily available. Financial management assist in the management of the estates revenue and capital budgets in line with delegated authorisation limits and in accordance with the Trust policies and procedures. SERVICE DELIVERY & DEVELOPMENT To undertake relevant research with other NHS organisations including Foundation Trusts to assist with learning and service development of the department to meet the needs of the Trust. To develop and implement benefit realisation plans to ensure the successful delivery of benefits from the deployment of revenue and capital investment. To continually review performance against KPIs, proactively addressing areas of concern. Actively participate in the control and transfer of information systems including completion of all paperwork required. (Including completion of all job dockets and timesheets). To participate in regular team briefings. Understand and adhere to Trust policies and procedures pertinent to the role. Participate in the Trust Appraisal system and Personal Development planning GOVERNANCE Responsible for ensuring that consistently high standards of customer service are delivered by effective monitoring of internal and external service lines. Regular contact with nursing staff at ward level. PATIENT/CUSTOMER SERVICE Responsible for ensuring that consistently high standards of customer service are delivered by effective monitoring of internal and external service lines. Regular contact with nursing staff at ward level.